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At Bourré, Loir-et-Cher, France, two meetings were                           Offi  cers
     held in a chateau owned by an American, Mr. Francis    Major L.A. Foot, W.M.        Sgt. D. El Hawley, J.D.
     Raymond Welles, who very kindly gave the Lodge the     Lt. Col. Jesse B. Roote, S.W.   Lt. A. E. Anderson, S.S.
     use of a large room, eventhough he was not a Mason.    Major W.O. Whipps, J.W.      Sgt. W. E. Wilson, J.S.
                                                            Capt. Joseph P. Sternhagen,Trs.   Lt. Jos. W. Whritenour, Tyler
      Of the unfinished work of the Lodge, arrangements     Major W.E. Olson, Sec.       Lt. H. N. Johnson, Marshal
     have been already been made to have the degrees                    Chaplain William Pippy, Chaplain
     upon Candidate Chauncey R. Fowler conferred by
     Yellowstone Lodge No. 26. Sea and Field Lodge No. 2,                         Members
     of the jurisdiction of New York, conferred the F.C. and                   George R. Austin
     M.M. degrees upon Brother Albert Jorgenson, at Paris,                     Floyd Benbrooke
     France.                                                                  Harry W. Cameron
                                                                              Wayne A. Campbell
                                                                                 Guy Dowen
      I request that demits be granted to all Brothers of this                Frederick A. Draper
     Lodge, upon request, that they may affiliate with the                        S. B. Drum
     regular Lodge at their home cities.                                        LeRoy A. Foot
                                                                                 omas Hamline, Jr.
      The Lodge has accumulated some money, and the last                         D. E. Hawley
     regular meeting thereof, the Worshipful Master and                        Charles E. Hulee
     Treasurer, were directed to pay all funds remaining to                     Henry N. Jeter
                                                                               Alexis E. Johnson
     the treasury of the Trustees of the Masonic Home of                       Herny  N. Johnson
     Montana. As there is some question as to the legality                     Albert Jorgenson
     of the procedure, I have made the check payable to the                   Harry H. Kaufman
     Grand Secretary to be disposed of by him in accordance                   William T. Masten
     with the wishes of the members of Montana Army Lodge                       Frank J. Mullis
     No. 1, if it be determined that such disposition of the                   Orsino F. Newkirk
     money is legal and in compliance with the regulations                     Willard E. Olson
                                                                                William Pippy
     of the Grand Lodge. The sum is Two Hundred Thirteen                         Jesse B. Roote
     Dollars and eighty-five cents.                                           Roy G. Schillerstrom
                                                                                Charles L. Scott
      In conclusion, I want to say that we Masons of                            Leigh E. Sloan
     Montana “in our Country’s Service” enjoyed the work                        omas C. Spaulding
     of our Army Lodge and I feel that is has justified the                    Jos P. Sternhagen
     granting of the Dispensation. The Masons we made                        Alexander G. Swaney
                                                                              William O. Whipps
     were all good material and I am certain will be a Credit                  Jos. W. Whitenour
     to the Craft.                                                             Walter E. Wilson
                                                                               George A. Wright
      While we frequently met and labored under great
     difficulty, we always parted with a feeling that it was        Entered Apprentice - Louis N. Fournier
     all worth while, and in the Lodge room, the only place
     where officers and the enlisted men could meet on the             Admitted -    omas C. Spaulding
     level, where no military ranked prevailed, we were                            Raised
     Brothers together and the ties that bound and united
     us before, had for a newer, a greater and more solemn                    Wayne A. Campbell
     meaning. And now, as the Master of Montana Army                          Fredrick A. Draper
                                                                                Henry N. Jeter
     Lodge No. 1., I return to the gavel placed in my hand                     Albert Jorgenson
     by Most Worshipful Grand Master Jones on September                       William T. Masten
     8, 1917, and trust that you will find my work to be good                  Orsino F. Newkirk
     and true.                                                                  Oliver S. Perry
                                                                                Leigh E. Sloan
      The list of members of Montana Army Lodge No. 1,                       Alexander G. Swaney
     U.D. is contained in the: 1918 Annual Proceedings of                       Members - 34
     the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Montana, and is as

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