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duties, as well as were several other officers, so the Master  remains of a representation of the starry canopy. The
     called for volunteers from the brethren present to assist   walls were decorated with pillars of the different classes
     in the work. Seven different states were represented by   of architecture. At one side, we discovered the winding
     the brothers taking part, several by Past Masters, and   stairs with the proper number of steps, each bearing its
     owing to the difference in the work of the seven different  appropriate symbol and terminating in a small chamber
     jurisdictions, the Master was kept extremely busy      whose walls were decorated with various signs and
     maintaining continuity during the evening.             symbols familiar to Masons.

      Early in the  spring  of 1918,  the  regiment  was  moved   The front of the cave, which evidently had been of
     to Montrichard, and several meetings were held at that   masonry, was gone, and the place was crowded with
     place, one of the most interesting of which was held in a   articles of machinery  and a rabbit  hutch.  The small
     cave of a single room, without seats of any kind, at which   chamber at the head of the winding stairs was fitted up
     were raised two brothers whose orders took them to the  as a bed chamber, and at the time of our visit, quite late
     front lines the following day. The altar at this meeting was  in the evening, contained a sleeping peasant whom we
     an empty “Corn Willie” box; the officers and brethren   disturbed, but who accepted our apologies with a smile
     sat, tailor fashion, upon the stone floor; the preparation  and resumed his slumbers. We held a meeting of our
     room was all of France, roofed by the starry sky. But the  lodge in this old lodge room, which our guide informed
     spirit of the brotherhood of Masonry was present, and   us had been first prepared for Masonic purposes nearly
     the impressiveness of the degree was enhanced by the   three centuries before, but owing to the impossibility of
     thought that on the morrow the two brothers being bound   properly closing the front, we were unable to do so.
     to us by unbreakable ties, were to take their places in the
     firing line; that they were going from us, fresh from our   The French Lodge which originally used the cave as a
     altar with their newly assumed vows upon them, possibly   meeting place is still in existence, having moved from
     to attend their next meeting in that Celestial Lodge on  Montrichard to Tours some thirty or forty years ago.
     High. However, I am glad to record that both brothers
     returned, and today are honored members of the Craft.    Another meeting was held at Montrichard in a
                                                            mushroom canning factory which the American Forces
                                                            were using as a warehouse, the lodge room and preparation
                                                            room being constructed in the center of the large room by
                                                            erecting walls of boxes and bales of army supplies.

                                                              After the Armistice the Army Lodge met twice more in
                                                            the Officers Mess Hall at St. Aignan. At the last meeting
                                                            held, an investigating committee made its report on an
                                                            applicant. When the ballot box was called for, it was
                                                            missing. This ballot box consisted of a cigar box divided
                                                            into two compartments, with the lid in two parts, and the
                                                            ballots were red and white army beans.

                                                              However, the absence of such an article could not long
               Francis R. Welles, Choteau Salle a Bourree   deter the functioning of Montana Army Lodge, and two
                    Bourree Loir-et-Cher, France            tin dishes were promptly produced, into one of which were
                                                            placed a number of silver and copper French coins. The
      Near Montrichard lives an American, a Mr. Francis R.   whole was then covered with a cloth, and the candidate
     Welles  (retired  head  of  Bell  Telephone  Manufacturing   duly elected with silver French 50 centime pieces.
     Company), the owner of a fine large chateau. This
     gentleman, learning of the existence of the lodge, although   Among the Montana Masons serving in the A.E.F.
     not a member of the Craft, tendered the lodge the use of   was the Right Worshipful R. J. Hathaway, Senior Grand
     a fine large room in his chateau, and two meetings were   Warden Elect of the Grand Lodge  of Montana.  Early
     held there by the Senior Warden while the Master was   in the spring of 1919, the mails brought to the writer a
     performing military duty at the front.                 proxy issued by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of
                                                            Montana, Bro. E. M. Hutchinson, empowering him to
      An incident occurring at Montrichard seems worthy of   convene a special communication of the Grand Lodge of
     mention. A French Mason, having made himself known     Montana for the purpose of installing Brother Hathaway
     to a number of American Masons, informed us that there   as Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden. Brother
     was an interesting place in the village and led us to a cave   Hathaway, who was then in Paris, was communicated
     in the rocks. Entering, we discovered a large room of   with, and on March 29, 1919, he arrived at St. Aignan,
     probably twenty by thirty feet in size, cut out of the solid   where, in compliance with the authority granted, a
     rock. At the east end of the room were three steps of stone   Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montana
     and carved in the rock wall were the Sun, Moon, and All-  was convened, and he was duly installed in his office.
     seeing Eye. The ceiling was curved and still retained the
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