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Inasmuch  as  this  is  probably  the  only instance  in   Ernest M. Hutchinson, Grand Master
     American Masonic History where a Grand Lodge of an
     American jurisdiction was convened on foreign soil, the   Attest: Cornelius Hedges, Jr., Grand Secretary
     minutes of that meeting and a roster of the acting Grand
     officers and brethren present might be of interest to the   (Seal of Grand Lodge).
     Craft. We give them as follows.
                                                              R. W. Brother Robert J. Hathaway was then introduced
                  Special Communication                     and duly installed as R. W. Senior Grand Warden of the
          Grand Lodge of Montana A. F. and A. M.            Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. of Montana.
             Saint Aignan, Loir-et-Cher, France
          29th day of March, A. D. 1919, A. L. 5919           After the ceremony, R. W. Brother Hathaway made
                                                            an address to the assembled brothers expressing his
      The following officers were present:                  satisfaction and pleasure at being installed into his high
                                                            office by  a subordinate  lodge  of his own  Grand Lodge
      Bro. L. A. Foot, Act. W.G.M. Bro. W. C. Riddell, Act.   in France and thanking the officers and members of
      S.G.W. Bro. L. A. Buchanan, Act. J.G.W. Bro W. E.     Montana Army Lodge No. 1 for their efforts in his behalf.
      Olsen, Act. G. Sec’y. Bro O. S. Perry, Act. G. Treas. Bro.
      R. O. Osborne, Act. S.G.D. Bro. J. P. Webber, Act. J.G.D.   There  being  no  further  business  to  come  before  the
      Bro A. E. Johnson, Act. S.G.S. Bro W. E. Wilson, Act.   meeting, Lodge was closed in form on the Third Degree
      J.G.S. Bro. G. R. Austin, Act. G.Tyler. Bro. C. S. Winn,   at 10:30 p. m. Peace and Harmony prevailing.
      Act. G. Marshal.
                                                               L. A. Foot Act. W. G. M.
      Brothers as shown by Tyler’s Register. Lodge was opened
     in form on the Third Degree at nine o’clock p.m.          W. E. Olsen. Act. G. Sec’y.

      The Acting G. M. then read the following: Proxy                    TYLERS REGISTER OF
     appointing L.  A. Foot, W.M. Montana Lodge No. 1, U.D.      MONTANA ARMY LODGE NO. 1, U. D.
     to install R. W. Brother Robert E. Hathaway as Senior          St. Aignan, France, March 29, 1919
     Grand Warden.
                                                              R. J. Hathaway, Glendive No. 31, Glendive, Mont.; L. A.
                                                            Foot, Choteau No. 44, Montana and M. A. L. No. 1. Wm.
          To all to whom These Presents May Come            C. Riddell, Helena, MT. Curtis Winn, P.M., St. John’s
                                                            Lodge No. 17, Albany, Oregon. H. W. Bateman, Choteau
      Greetings:                                            44, Choteau and M. A. L. No. 1. E. Johnson, M. A. L. No.
       Whereas, at the Fifty-fourth Annual Communication    1.  J. P. Webber, Silver Bow No. 48, Butte, MT and M. A.
      of our Grand Lodge, held in the City of Billings      L. No. 1. G. N. Austin, Sandstone No. 34, Baker MT and
      on August 21 and 22 1918, R. W. Brother Robert J.     M. A. L. No. 1. W. L. Hurlburt, Star in the East Lodge,
      Hathaway, now in the Medical Reserve Corps of the     New Bedford, Mass. W. E. Olsen, Valier, MT and M.
      United States Army in France, was duly elected R. W.   A. L. No. 1. V. E. Landon, Excelsior 22, Council Bluffs,
      Senior Grand Warden; and,                             Iowa.  W.  T.  Barker,  Mt.  Vernon  Lodge,  Malden,  Mass.
                                                            Philip Abraham, Oblong City 644, Oblong, Ill. Edward
       Whereas, he was not present to be installed into said   Hambrecht, Hamilton 79, Canajoharie, N.Y. Vernon A.
      position by virtue of such election; now, therefore,   Hammond, Rock Creek 685, Harriet, Ark. Albert E. Davis,
      know ye:                                              Covenant 753, Brooklyn, N.Y. William Reed McCathran,
                                                            Osiris 26, Washington, D.C. Kris M. Solberg, Virginia
       That we, Ernest M. Hutchinson, Grand Master of the   Falls 171. Merrill, Wise. Robert D. Ashley, Cradford 470,
      Grand  Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted  Masons     English,  Ind.  Frank M.  Good,  Adoniram  517,  Akron,
      of Montana, reposing full confidence in the Masonic   Ohio. Oliver S. Perry, M. A. L. No. 1. Nathan B. Gillispie,
      skill and ability of Brother L. A. Foot, W. M. Montana   St. George’s Lodge, Barkston, Mass. James A. Krall, North
      Army Lodge No. 1, U. D., do hereby appoint him as our   Star No. 46, Glasgow, MT. Louis B. Meyer, Enfield No.
      special proxy and representative to install R. W. Brother   447, Enfield, N.C. Bernard Ettengen, St. George No. 6,
      Robert E. Hathaway as R. W. Senior Grand Warden of    Schenectady, N.Y. Lyman C. Ward, Llano, Texas. J. Emory
      the Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. of Montana, according   Tribbey, Washburn Lodge No. 421, Washburn, Ill. Edgar
      to the ancient customs and rites of the Fraternity,   W. Martin, Athens, West Virginia.
      requesting that due return be made to us of this, our
      proxy.                                                  Excluding the special communication of the Grand
                                                            Lodge of Montana, above mentioned, Montana Army
       Given under our hand  and the seal of  our Grand     Lodge No. 1 held eighteen meetings at which were
      Lodge at Whitefish, this 19th day of October, A. D.   initiated thirteen candidates, eleven of whom were raised.
      1918.                                                 The Lodge received requests from American Grand
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