Page 27 - MFM May 2020.indd
P. 27

Nothing daunted by cramped quarters,  the Lodge was
                                                            duly opened. Two petitions for degrees were received, and
                                                            other business transacted, and the Lodge was duly closed,
                                                            somewhat hurriedly, however, as a bad sea had risen, and
                                                            some of the “sea legs” were found to be not as stable as
                                                            their owners had fondly believed.

                                                              The two petitions were subsequently favorably acted
                                                            upon, and both candidates elected,  one of  whom was
                                                            killed in action before any degrees could be conferred.
                                                            The other was duly raised and is now a United States
                                                            Consul in China.

                                                              No further meetings were held for several weeks, during
                                                            which the 163rd Infantry, and necessarily the officers of
                                                            the lodge, were scattered about over France, but finally,
               2nd Montana, 163rd Infantry Company F        the regiment was re-assembled in the St. Aignan area on
           leaving for France, October 24, 1917. Helena, Montana.
                                                            the Cher River, and meetings were resumed. The Division
                                                            Commander, General Robert Alexander, himself a
                                                            Brother of the Jurisdiction of Kansas, gave the Lodge
                                                            permission to meet in a room in a school building which
                                                            was in use in the daytime for military purposes, and
                                                            seven meetings were held there in a fairly good room that
                                                            was secured on the third floor of a school building. Here
                                                            several brothers received their degrees and learned their
                                                            lectures, until finally the trustees of the school entered
                                                            objections to its use as a lodge room by Freemasons and it
                                                            had to be abandoned. Threee more meetings were held in
                                                            the Officers Mess Hall in Saint Aignan.

                    2nd Montana, 163rd Infantry
          leaving for France, October 24, 1917. Helena, Montana.           School building, Saint Aignan
      On Dec. 14, 1917, the regiment sailed from Hoboken,         e Lodge met in the top   oor in room two windows on right.
     N.J., onboard the “Leviathan,” formerly the Hamburg-
     American Liner “Vaterland,” for France and the great     At the first meeting held in this schoolroom, a general
     adventure. Being un-convoyed, the vessel took a course  notice was  sent  out to all  Masons in  the area, and  the
     far north of the usual lines of travel.                result was four solid hours of examining visitors before
                                                            the lodge would be opened. There was no work for this
      The day of Dec. 21 found the ship somewhere off the  meeting,  so  the  time  after  the  lodge  was  opened  was
     coast of Iceland, and all members of the Lodge feeling  devoted to a “get acquainted” meeting, the W. M. calling
     that they had their “sea legs.” The first meeting was   the roll of the states and brethren present answering
     held in the stateroom occupied by our Senior Warden,  for their respective jurisdictions. The result was almost
     which not being designed for lodge purposes, caused an   unbelievable, as 23 states and Porto Rico were represented
     overflow of the brethren into the bathroom. The Master   by brethren at the meeting.
     and Senior Warden were provided with chairs, but the
     Junior Warden was compelled to  occupy  a seat on  the   At  the  second meeting a  third  degree was  conferred
     side of the berth, while the Secretary and other officers   by courtesy for Helena Lodge No. 3 of Montana. Both
     and brothers made themselves comfortable on the floor.   Wardens of the Army Lodge were absent on military

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 27                                                April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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