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Short History of the 163rd Montana Infantry            After being sent overseas in December, the 41st
                                                            Division was relegated to replacement and depot status,
      The Montana National Guard has consistently played a   as the 163rd Depot Brigade. The 163rd was broken up as
     role in the protection of the state. The Montana Territorial   men were moved to various units. From there, the men
     Militia was established in 1867, over twenty years before   continued their training in areas throughout France
     Montana became a state. The First Montana Militia,     as well as serving along the front lines. In March 1919,
     later known as the Montana National Guard, served well   the 163rd returned home. During the 163rd’s service in
     beyond Montana’s borders. The 1st Montana Volunteer    Europe, 39,276 Montanans served in the armed forces
     US Army was called into federal service for the first time   including the National Guard, dra  ees, and regular
     during the Spanish-American War. Beginning as the 1st   enlistees - out of a state population of 496,131.
     Regiment of Infantry in the Montana National Guard
     during the 1880s, the Volunteer Infantry was in service
     from May 1898 to October 1899. When the Volunteer
     Infantry was mustered out of service after the campaign.
      At the turn of the century, the federal government gave
     the National Guard a more permanent role in the military
     on  a  national level.  The  Guard’s  annual  appropriation
     was raised and equipment was issued by the federal
     government. In return for the appropriation, the Guard
     was expected to become a federal reserve force. Due to
     this  change in  the  duties  of  the  Guard,  the  Montana
     National Guard was reorganized and designated the 2nd
     Montana Infantry Regiment in 1901. In June 1916, the 2nd
     Montana Infantry saw their first national service when
     the regiment was mobilized for guard duty during the
     Mexican border conflict after the Mexican Revolution.
     In early July 1916, the regiment set up camp in Douglas,         2nd Montana, 163rd Infantry Company H
     Arizona. After only a few months in federal service, the     leaving for France, October 24, 1917. Helena, Montana.
     regiment was demobilized at Fort Harrison in October
     1916.                                                    The Offi  cers of the Second Montana Regiment
      The 2nd Montana Infantry was ordered into Federal       When the Second Montana Regiment left Montana
     service on March 25, 1917 by President Wilson and  it comprised 2,050 officers and men. The officers
     mobilized at Fort Harrison in preparation for service in  were:
     Europe.  In  July,  the  Guard  was ordered  to  prepare  for
     duty overseas. As the War Department integrated the      Col. John J. McGinness (Helena)
     National Guard into federal service, the 2nd Montana     Major Jesse B. Roote (Butte)
     Infantry  was  re-designated  as  the  163rd  Infantry   Major Erastus H. Williams (Bozeman)
     Regiment, 41st Division. On July 18, 1917, the War       Capt. O. S. Perry, Adjutant
     Department designated the National Guard of Idaho,       Maj. William C. Riddell, Chief Medical Officer
     Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming to form          First Lt. William Pippy, Chaplain
     the 41st Division. On August 5, 1917, the designation of   Captain Whipps, Supply Officer
     the Second Montana Infantry was changed to the 163rd     Special Units:
     Infantry Regiment, 82nd Infantry Brigade, 41st Infantry
     Division. It  became  part of  American Expeditionary
     Division. It  became  part of  American Expeditionary    Capt O. S. Perry, Headquarters Company
     Forces (A.E.F.).
     Forces (A.E.F.).                                         Second Lt. Orsino Newkirk the Supply Company
                                                              Capt. Leroy A. Foot the Machine Gun Company
                                                              Maj. Riddell the Medical Detachement
                                                              The companies, their home headquarters and
                                                            commanding officers were:

                                                            Company A     Bozeman        Capt. Charles L. Sheridan
                                                            Company B     Roundup        Capt. Herman S. Brice
                                                            Company C     Shelby         Capt. Claude McGuinnen
                        41st Division                       Company D     Valier         Capt. Willard E. Olson
      The 41st Infantry Division was composed primarily     Company F     Kalispell      Capt. C. J. Smith
     of National Guard units from Idaho, Montana, Oregon,   Company G     Glasgow        Capt. Jos. P. Sternhagen
     North Dakota and Washington that saw active service in   Company H   Kalispell      Capt. J. Snell
     World War I. Called the “Sunset Division” for its shoulder   Company I   Baker      Capt. Wade Doble
     sleeve insignia.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 24                                              April/May 2020   Volume 96 No. 3
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