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Military Lodge Authorized                               T. T. G. O. T. G. A. O. T. U.
                                                                     LETTERS OF DISPENSATION
     The Committee of Jurisprudence, through M. W.                In the name and Under the Authority of the
     Brother Callaway, made the following report: We, your              Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
     Committee on Jurisprudence, recommend the adoption                              Of
     of  the  resolution introduced by  M. W. Brother Day       ANCIENT, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS
     relative to the granting of Letters of Dispensation to so-                    Of The
     called Military Lodges.                                                  State of Montana
     “Resolved: That the Grand Master shall have power at
     his pleasure to issue Letters of Dispensation to three   To all Whom These Presents May Come, Greetings-
     or more persons for  the formation of Military  Lodges   WHEREAS, The following named brethren who are
     to be attached to specifically numbered regiment of    Ancient,  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  and  citizens  and
     the armies of the United States serving in this country   residents of the State of Montana, and members in good
     and abroad, with the power to receive and act upon     standing of Lodges under this jurisdiction of the Most
     petitions and confer degrees: Provided, however, that no   Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted
     such Letters of Dispensation shall be granted to others   Masons of Montana, and elsewhere throughout the globe,
     than Master Masons in good standing in Lodges of this   and who are in the military service of the United States
     jurisdiction., and in active service in the regiment named   of America, and forming a part of what is known as the
     in said Dispensation; and the Letters shall provide that   “Second Montana Regiment,” regularly  enlisted in the
     no petition shall be received by such Lodges, while within   services of the United States of America, now engaged
     the territorial jurisdiction of the United States except   in war with Germany and other nations, LeRoy A. Foot,
     from a person who at the time of his enlistment in the   of Choteau Lodge No. 44, Montana; Jesse B. Roote, of
     service was a bona fide resident of the state of Montana.   Mansfield Lodge No. 543, Missouri; W. O. Shipps, of
     Such Dispensation may be revoked by the Grand Master   Kalispell Lodge No. 42, Montana; Joseph W. Whritenour,
     at anytime.”                                           Harry  W.  Camerons,  Harry  H.  Kaufmann,  of  Helena
                                                            Lodge No. 3, Montana; S. B. Drum, of Lavina Lodge
                                                            No.  107,  Montana;  Thomas    Hamline,  Jr.,  of  Arapahoe
     Fees Charged By Military Lodge Left To Grand Master    Lodge No. 130, Colorado; Charles E. Hulce, of Ancient
                                                            Landmark Lodge No. 5, Minnesota; R.  B. Osbore, of
      M. W. Brother Callaway: “If the matter of fees be     Acacia Lodge No. 33, Montana; William Pippy, of Holden
     material, it will be covered by the following resolution   Lodge No. 81, North Dakota; W.E. Olson, of Valier Lodge
     prepared by M. W. Brother Day.                         No. 76, Montana; Henry J. Johnson, of Holman Lodge
      “Resolved: That in the event of the issuance of       No. 593, Iowa; George R. Austin, of Sandstone Lodge
                                                            No. 84, Montana; George A. Wright, of North Star Lodge
     dispensation by the Grand Master for the creation of a   No. 46, Montana; Guy Dowen, of Chinook Lodge No.
     Military Lodge, the Grand Master shall have full power   50, Montana; Frank J. Mills, of Lee P. Gilette Lodge No.
     to suspend or modify the provision of the statue relative   272, Nebraska; Deward E. Hawley, of Lavina Lodge No.
     to fees for dispensation or the degrees, as he may deem   107, Montana; Roy G. Shillerstrom, of Valier Lodge No.
     best.”                                                 76, Montana; Walter E. Wilson, of Hardin Lodge No.
      We recommend the adoption of the foregoing            44, Illinois; Joseph P. Sternhagen, of Lemmon Lodge No:
     resolutions.                                           151, South Dakota; Charles L. Scott, of Mahaska Lodge

      The Report and subsidiary resolutions were adopted.   No. 336, Iowa; Floyd Benbrook, of Wibaux Lodge No. 81,
                                                            Montana, have petitioned that they may be authorized to
                                                            work as a temporary Lodge under dispensation, during
                                                            said war, without disturbing their affiliations with the
                Letters of Dispensation For                 Lodges to which they belong, in order that they may meet
                  Army Lodge No. 1 U. D.                    as Masons, and thus encourage the practice of our sublime
                                                            principles while subjected to the trials and temptations
                                                            of army life in the time of war, and to regularly confer
      In accordance with the expressed wishes of this Grand   degrees upon proper applicants, and to lay to rest, with
     body, Letters  of Dispensation were issued, creating   the honors of the Craft, any of their brethren who may
     Montana Army Lodge No. 1, U. D.                        fall  while engaged  in  the  service of  their country-and
                                                            it appearing to be for the benefit of our Ancient and
      As it is wholly dissimilar from our usual form for such   Honorable Order that their request be granted;
     instruments, I make the test thereof part of this report.
     It was written principally by M. W. Brother H. S. Hepner,   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN: That by the
     in  part  by  M.  W.  Brother  Edward  C.  Day,  and  some   power in me vested as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
     changes were suggested by the Grand Master and the     of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Montana, I
     Grand Secretary.                                       hereby authorize our brethren aforesaid to open and
                                                            hold a temporary Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted
                                                            Masons, at the posts and camps of the Second Montana
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 19                                                April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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