Page 15 - MFM May 2020.indd
P. 15

Montana DeMolay Amid Covid
                                      Aarron Lakko, State Master Councilor

             We all now know how hard it is to keep large  they joined us, brotherhood.  Our chapters are also
     groups and organizations afloat during times like  working with the state to help design new, virtual,
     these.  From trying to keep all your members engaged,  activities too.  During this time, it is imperative that
     and new recruitment programs to fundraising and  we stay together while we are far apart.  In order to
     meetings, staying active during this pandemic has  accomplish this goal, we have had continual contact
     been nearly impossible.  It seems that we must find  with our chapters as well as giving them as many
     new ways to keep our organizations active or stand  tools as we can in order to help them to succeed.
     by as they crumble.  This is how Montana DeMolay
     is adapting to overcome this new hurdle.                   At the end of the day, it is always about the members
                                                            that we have.  It is about touching the soul of every
         Montana DeMolay has focused almost solely on  person that we can in order to better their lives.  This
     the retention of our members.  We  have realized  can only be done while we are strong and have the
     that trying to actively recruit new members is not  ability to do so.  That is why we cannot sit around
     the right thing to do during the situation we have  and let our organizations be during this time; we
     now found ourselves in.  Our conclusion is that the  must  take  action  and  put  our  own  effort  into  our
     most important thing that needs our focus now is  organizations.  We must stay strong in these times so
     our members.  Our members are also suffering  that we can help others in the times to come.  These
     during this time, just as our organizations are.  We  are the ways that Montana DeMolay is staying strong
     must understand that in order to help others after  so that we can help more and more boys after this
     this blows over, we need to help our members first.   mess rather than picking up the pieces.
     One cannot pull the boat with a chain that is missing

         In order to keep regular chapter communications,
     the state and her chapters have begun to use an
     application called Zoom.  Zoom is a free application
     that allows face-to-face conference calls, almost
     like Skype.  We have been able to use this app to
     enable  our  chapters  to  conduct  informal  meetings
     and plan new events.  The state is also using Zoom
     for communication purposes both within itself and
     between our chapters.  Colleges and high schools
     around the state are also using Zoom at this time
     in order to teach their students.  We have found this
     application to be of the greatest benefit.  There are
     other applications like this, such as Cisco WebEx,
     TeamViewer, and Google Hangouts.  We strongly
     suggest using this type of software in order to
     conduct meetings and keep on top of the happenings
     throughout the state.

         In order to keep our chapters active throughout
     the state, the state is doing online statewide activities
     such as scavenger hunts and online trivia.  These
     activities allow the state to assess the condition
     of our chapters as well as enable them to virtually
     visit other chapters and help them to continue to
     build their relationships.  We, the state, feel that it
     is essential to keep our chapters communicating
     with each other in order to continue to offer to
     our members exactly what we offered them when
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 15                                                April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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