Page 10 - MFM May 2020.indd
P. 10

Lance Card, Senior Deacon
          Damascus Lodge #10 F&AM of Utah

      Faith, Hope, and Charity.    ese are the three          with open and honest eyes truly need the leniency
     Masonic Graces most commonly displayed to the  of Self Charity, for there isn’t one amongst us who
     Public. Of these three, the greatest is Charity. O  en,  can claim perfection.  Every day brings with it new
     when we think of charity, our many philanthropic  opportunities to improve, but it also delivers to each
     associations come to mind, or the lessons learned in  of us a laundry list of errors in behavior, thought, and
     the Entered Apprentice degree are what we focus on.  assumption.
     Within this article, I’m going to recommend to you
     another kind of Charity. A charity is o  en one of the   A man once said to me when considering joining
     most di   cult to give. Charity to yourself.           the Fraternity, “I am already very aware of my failures,
                                                            why would I want another organization to point them
       Overcoming the Impression of Selfi shness             out to me?” Various iterations of this phrase are
                                                            birthed in the minds of men on a more frequent basis
         e thought of applying charity to oneself is likely  than we are likely aware. We must learn to daily apply
     mistaken as sel  shness. Indeed, when the subject of  compassion,  kindness,  tenderness,  understanding,
     charity is brought up people tend to think of the most  and gracious forgiveness to ourselves. We must
     common de  nitions of the word; organizations whose  practice Self Charity.
     design is to generate money, food, clothing, housing,
     etc. for people in need; volunteering time, money,                 The Power of Self Charity
     or goods to such organizations; even generosity in
     judgment, a kindness, and consideration of a fellow        One changed heart can be a light for many.
     human  being.  Each  of  these de  nitions  is  pointedly                 – L.M. Fields
     external in nature.    e noble characteristic of charity
     seems to be solely the domain on the exterior, a gi   to   Our exterior re  ects our interior condition. Our
     others, certainly not to be applied to oneself.        spiritual health and growth are equally as important
                                                            as our physical and mental condition. When our spirit
      My contention is that without applying charity to  is  shadowed  and  harried by  self-deprecation,  self-
     yourself, you cannot fully apply it to others and are then  loathing, self-doubt, self-disappointment, or any other
     thusly incapable of fully and genuinely understanding  negative pallor, such is the ambiance of our character.
     the principle as it is taught in Freemasonry.          We exude the paint of our soul. Some call this an
                                                            aura, some accept it as mood, others still associate this
      As an organization bent on the singular purpose of  feeling as, “something just isn’t right with that person.”
     guiding good men along the path of becoming better
     men, we naturally attract those who are subject to       When we are light of heart, having forgiven ourselves
     introspect. Men who consider their own shortcomings     our shortcomings, we become approachable. We are

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 10                                               April/May 2020   Volume 96 No. 3
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