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liberated from the burdens of error, repentant of our
     mistakes, and painted in warmer, more inviting colors
     of the soul. People with which we interact are aware
     of this disposition and are drawn to it. Unladen, we
     make great strides in self-improvement—markedly
     so—and this too is recognized by our associations.
      People are drawn to Light, and when we apply
     Caritas to ourselves, we can glow.
                How To Apply Self Charity

      A simple concept, Self Charity, yet many struggle
     against their own minds when attempting to engage
     in the practice. Dr. Robert Enright, Ph.D., wrote, “Self-
     forgiveness is not quite the same as forgiving other
     people, although both have common features. When        Rosebud School District #1’s 7-12th grade science class was
     forgiving others, you struggle to be good to those who   awarded a 2020 grant.    is will enable them to update hot plates,
     are not good to you. When you self-forgive, you o  er,   thermometers, pipettes, 4 lab stools, dissection tools, and especially
                                                             expired and outdated chemicals.
     perhaps for the   rst time in years, a love for the self
     even though you let yourself down by your actions.”     Adults in Middle Row L to R: Representing the MMF - Marty
                                                             Reierson, Sagebrush District O   cer, Science Teacher Ms. Stephanie
                                                             Farmer and Robert Engle, of Hiram Lodge #52.
         at’s the   rst step; you must forgive yourself, and
     this could very well be a daily or even hourly process.
     Obviously, this is an exercise in and of itself, and there
     are many books, Ted Talks, and podcasts that cover
     various methodologies. Compiling information from
     these di  erent sources results in the following:
     1. Two of the greatest enemies of growth and change
     are arrogance and ignorance. Zen Buddhists have a
     great proverb that illustrates this: “Face reality and
     e  ortless change will take place.”

     2. Be intrigued by your behavior, emotions,
     thoughts, and beliefs. Be detectives who explore
     the mystery of the self. One Ted Talk suggests, when
     the  inner  critic  starts  pounding  away,  know  that
     your inner nurturer is a refuge and an ally. Observe
     and note the way that your inner critic behaves and
     chart courses that lead you around those reefs to the
     safe harbor of your inner nurturer. You must be the
     Jane Goodall in your own mind. Make a record of
     your responses and behaviors, don’t run from them,
     don’t hide them. You will only overcome through
     the application of a scienti  c remedy that nurtures
     your soul, and you can only achieve this through a
     scienti  c process.

     3. Talk to yourself and about yourself, the way you
     talk to someone you care about. Inner monologues        Hawthorne Elementary was awarded $425.25 in 2020 for the
     happen all the time. Take control of the monologue,     purchase of a metallophone for music curriculum from the MMF.
                                                             Additionally, Tamara Ashley received $179.97 on behalf of Jim
     remove the inner critic from the driver’s seat. Try     Darcy Elementary for the purchase of music room stools.
     regarding your inner critic as something that lacks     Pictured: music teacher Tamara Ashley and Sam Whitehead Rocky
     credibility—imagine it as a ridiculous character, like   Mountain District O   cer presenting the check on behalf of the
     a silly cartoon villain. Argue against your inner critic   MMF!
     to win.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 11                                                 April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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