Page 9 - MFM May 2020.indd
P. 9

not. For pure business meeting purposes, Masonic
     meetings require only as many seats as men are
     present — on average across the state, about 15 to 20
     men. Make a room to   t your needs.

      Now, ritual space is di  erent and requires more
     space. But, how o  en do we need ritual space for
     initiations, passings and raising?    e number varies
     across the state, but on average, a lodge only initiates
     two men a year.

      Have you considered having your rituals in a larger
     masonic temple? Perhaps it’s best, more economical,
     and more psychologically acceptable to have a small
     lodge hall for business and fraternalism, and adjourn
     to grander settings for special occasions. It’s a logical

         ink about rooms in your house — formal dining
     rooms or guest rooms. Yes, some of you use them
     Lodge room too big? Time to get creative

     By Walt Clapp                                           Roy Schools in Roy, MT have been awarded a grant in 2020 of
     Grand Secretary - North Carolina                        $1500.00 for a 3D-printer with replacement   laments and stand for
                                                             STEM/science students. Keith and Levi are shown with 3D models.
                                                             L-R: Montana Masonic Foundation Director Bill Murphy with the
                                                             assistance of Paul Maberry of Friendship Lodge #37 Bob Jenni also
                                                             Friendship Lodge #37, with Levi Marciniak, 7-12 Science Teacher.

                         Explore Freemasonry

                                                             Amsterdam Elementary in Manhattan, MT, was awarded a $1000.00
                                                             grant in 2020 for the library.    is is to purchase a mixture of easy
              Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana                     ction, early readers, early chapter books, graphic novels, and a
              PO Box 1158, Helena, MT 59624-1158             quarter of the grant will be used for Playway All-in-One Audiobooks.
              (406) 442-7774
                                                             Pictured: librarian Angela Bergantine and Johnathon Dahlquist,
                                                             Headwaters District O   cer  - one of the Directors of the MMF!
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 9                                                  April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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