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Regiment, or at some convenient  place  near the same,   is not a member of some Montana Lodge of Masons,  he
     without invading any other Jurisdiction, and to be known   and each agree to petition some Lodge near his residence
     as:                                                    for affiliation therewith;  and all withdrawals (demits)
      MONTANA ARMY LODGE No. 1 UNDER DISPENSATION           from the said “Montana Army Lodge” shall be obtained
      Vesting them with power to admit to companionship     from the Grand Secretary of said Grand Lodge.
     by affiliation in said Lodge, Masons serving in the armies
     and navies of the United States, or in war service in any of   That for the purpose of aiding said Lodge in discharging
     the United States, who are regularly affiliated in Lodges   its functions, and realizing the great service our brethren
     holding charter from the Grand Lodge of Montana, or,   and those who may unite with them are performing
     if affiliated elsewhere, who were at the time of entering   for our country and our nation, I hereby suspend our
     the service of the United States, citizens of the State of   statutory provisions with reference to minimum fees for
     Montana; to enter Apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts and   the degrees, and hereby authorize said Lodge to fix in
     raise Master Masons, regularly from among such citizen-  such sums as it may find advisable.
     soldiers and others in war service as aforesaid, as any
     Lodge under the jurisdiction of said Grand Lodge of      This dispensation will continue in force at the will and
     Montana could do, excepting that the jurisdiction of said   pleasure of the Grand Master, and shall be subject to
     temporary Lodge hereby authorized is not territorial but   revocation at this pleasure.
     is confined and limited to citizens of Montana in the
     service of the United States as before mentioned.        LASTLY: The Master, Wardens and brethren in
                                                            companionship with said Army Lodge, by accepting this
      That this warrant shall not authorize the meeting or   Dispensation, solemnly engage and promise to conform
     formation of a Lodge of Masons in any other State of the   to all the foregoing requirements, whether expressed or
     United States than Montana without first informing the   implied, and at all times to hold themselves subordinate
     Grand Master of said state and obtaining his consent to   to, and under the jurisdiction of the aforesaid Grand
     such meetings.                                         Lodge of Montana.
      That no petition for degrees shall be received by said   IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand as
     Lodge while within the territorial jurisdiction of the   Grand Master of the said Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free
     United States except from a person who at the time of his   and Accepted Masons of Montana, with the Seal of the
     enlistment in the service was a bona fide resident of the   said Grand  Lodge,  and  the  attestation  of  the  Grand
     State of Montana.                                      Secretary thereof.
                                                            Done in the Grand East in Helena, Montana, this eighth
      I hereby appoint Brother L. A. Foot to be Worshipful   day of September, Anno Domini 1917, Anno Lucis 5917.
     Master, Brother Jessie B. Roote to be Senior Warden, and
     Brother William O. Whipps to be Junior Warden of said                                                                FRANCIS D. JONES
     temporary Lodge.                                                                                                    Grand Master
      All actual Past Masters, who may be hereby or hereafter,       CORNELIUS HEDGES, JR.,
     admitted to companionship therein will retain their rank                 Gand Secretary
     as if really Past Masters thereof, so that in case of the
     absence of the Master and Wardens, they may act as by
     law provided. In the event of the death or total disability
     of the Master and both Wardens herein named, while       The above Dispensation was put into force and effect
     the Regiment is absent from the United States, the Lodge   at the Consistory Shrine Temple at Helena, Montana, on
     may, when regularly convened, elect to these offices from   September 8, 1917, in the presence of Helena Lodge No.
     their members, and such persons so elected shall serve   3, Morning Star Lodge No. 5, and King Solomon’s Lodge
     until  the  Grand Master  has  been  notified  and  he  shall   No. 9, under our jurisdiction, by.
     thereupon appoint to fill vacancies.                                                                              FRANCIS D. JONES
                                                                                                                                           Grand Master
      I require that all the said brethren and their associates
     be governed by the Constitution, laws, rules, edicts and
     regulations of the Grand Lodge of Montana, and all the
     laws thereof, and to keep a record of their proceedings and
     promptly send a copy of the same (after each meeting)
     to the Grand Secretary, and make return as all other
     Lodges should do. In case of dissolution, from any cause,
     to promptly transmit all books, papers, money, or other
     property  of  said  Lodge,  with  this  dispensation,  to  said
     Grand Secretary. Further, at the termination of the service
     of any one holding “companionship” with said Lodge who
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 20                                               April/May 2020   Volume 96 No. 3
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