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soldier undergoing disciplinary punishment, and more   and fraternally greet the Masonic soldier in the enemies’
     than that, I never expect to see a wearer of the lambskin  ranks and the horrors of was will be in no small degree
     in any other position in the armies of the United States   lessened because two brothers meet.
     than one of honor and trust.

      Masonry is today the strongest of all Orders among the
     soldiers. There are a large number of Masons among the              Request for Military Lodge
     officers of both the regular army and the army that was      Annual Communication August 23, 1917
     formerly the national guard. In the Montana regiment,
     out of 47 officers there are 12 Masons. The percentage   M. W. Grand Master and Brethren of the Grand Lodge
     is  nearly 25 percent. Among the enlisted men, the     A.F. & A.M. of Montana:
     percentage is smaller, due chiefly to the fact that they are
     much younger men than the officers. However, I have the   “I wish today before you for your consideration a
     names of about 25 Masons who are serving in the ranks,   request from our Brothers among the soldiers of the 2nd
     and  nearly every man  of them  is  a non-commissioned   Montana Infantry. Within a very short time, we expect to
     officer. There are a number of others whose names I have   be in a foreign land among a people whose language we
     not yet obtained. A few days ago, I caused a notice to be   can neither speak nor understand. We will undoubtedly
     posted to the effect that I wanted the names of Masons,   find Masons there, but Masons with whom we cannot
     and I’ve been getting names ever since. I have been    converse. We will find Lodges, but we will not be able to
     visited  by  quite a  number  of  clean-cut,  fine-appearing   visit them for obvious reasons. There are many of us who
     young soldiers, both officers and enlisted men, who have   are going to miss, next to our wives and children, our
     asked information on the procedure of petitioning for the   mothers and sweethearts, the pleasure of attending our
     degrees.                                               Lodge meetings. We have already planned to organize a

      The armies of the United States, now that they are    Masonic Club; but we would like to be in a position to go
                                                            farther than that; I have been commissioned by a few of
     composed of the flower of young American manhood,      the Brothers in the regiment, to ask this Grand Lodge to
     offer a wonderful field for the Mason, not from the    make provision to issue or authorize the issuance to us of
     viewpoint of increasing our membership, but for the    a dispensation or Army or Field Charter, whereby we may
     good that the true Mason can do among them, both by    work in our own language and our own way, whether we
     his example and his active assistance and advice. An   be in camp or trench.
     officer has a wonderful influence among enlisted men.
     They look to him in something the same manner that a     I am not fully advised of the necessary procedure in
     small boy looks to his father. If the officer is such a man   matters of this kind, so I am making this request in an
     as Masonry contemplates, and he usually is, if he is a   informal way, holding myself and Brothers ready to take
     Mason, his influence for good among his men is almost   the further steps necessary. The dispensation or charter,
     immeasurable.                                          it is needless to say, would cease or be surrendered at the
      American military history is abundant with Masonry.   end of the war. Trusting that his Grand Lodge may see fit
     One has only to talk with Masonic veterans of our past   to grant our request, and assuring you that Masonry will
     wars to learn of incident after incident where Masonry   suffer no abuse at our hands.”
     has  proved  its value to the solider. During one  of the
     wars with the Indians in the early history of the colonies,   Fraternally
     an officer who was a Mason was captured by the enemy     L. A. Foot, Senior Warden Choteau Lodge No. 44
     and carried before the king of the five nations, where he   Captain 2nd Montana Infantry
     was tried and condemned to death by burning. He was
     accordingly bound to the stake and wood piled about his      e above was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.
     body waist high, and a lighted brand was handed to the
     king to ignite the pile. As a last resort the officer raised
     his hands, making a sign known among Masons. The
     king threw down the brand, kicked the fagots, and cut
     with his own knife the thongs that bound the officer to   Resolutions on Formation of Military Lodge
     the stake. He led the officer from the place of execution   Annual Communication of August 23, 1917
     and set him free with the words, “Go, my brother.”
                                                              M. W. Brother E. C. Day introduced two resolutions
      I doubt not that this present war, when the history   with reference to the formation of a military lodge under
     is finally written, numerous incidents will be found in   the jurisdiction of our Grand Lodge, covering the manner
     which Masonry has played its great part, and when at last   in which such action might be taken and regarding the
     the longed for day shall come when the Great Peace shall   payment of fees in such a proposed Lodge. Both resolutions
     end forever the Great War, Masonry will play no small   were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.
     part in the final negotiations. The world is small after all,
     and the Masonic soldier of the Allied armies will meet
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 18                                              April/May 2020   Volume 96 No. 3
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