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Special Communication                    request made to the Grand Lodge at its session on August
          Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Montana           22nd and 23rd, 1917, by our Brother L. A. Foot, Senior
              Held at Helena, September 8th, 1917           Warden of our Choteau Lodge No. 44, and Captain of the
           To Institute Montana Army Lodge No. 1.           Second Montana Infantry, we respectfully petition you
                                                            to grant us Letters of Dispensation, for the institution of
      A Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of A.F.    an Army Lodge, to be known as “Montana Army Lodge
     & A.M. of Montana was held in the Consistory-Shrine    No. 1 Under Dispensation,” for the purpose of practicing
     Temple in the City of Helena on Saturday evening,      our Masonic Rites, and subject to such conditions and
     September 8th, 1917, commencing at 8 P.M.              limitations as you may, by the authority in you vested,
                                                            find it advisable to circumscribe.
      The following brethren, occupied the several stations:
                                                              We beg the liberty of nominating and recommending
     M. W. Bro. Francis D. Jones        Grand Master        Brother L. A. Foot to be the first Worshipful Master,
     M. W. Bro. Edward C. Day            as Deputy Grand Master  Brother Jesse B. Roote to be the first Senior Warden, and
           W. Bro. Louis W. Dutcher        as Senior Grand Warden  Brother William O. Whipps to be the first Junior Warden.
           W. Bro. Worth C. Almon         as Junior Grand Warden
     R.  W. Bro. Richard Lockey         Grand Treasurer       Done at Fort William Harrison, Montana, this eight
     R.  W. Bro. Cornelius Hedges, Jr.  Grand Secretary     day of September, Nineteen Hundred and seventeen.
           W. Bro. M.  L. Rickman      as Grand Chaplain
     M. W. Bro. H. S. Hepner       as Grand Marshal             Name of           Lodge of            Jurisdiction
           W. Bro. H. L. Hunt                   as Senior Deacon  Petitioner                  Last Membership
                 Bro. Frank Evangelisti        as Junior Deacon  LeRoy A. Foot     Choteau No. 44      Montana
            W. Bro. Alban Nixon                   as Grand Standard Bearer  Jessie B. Roote     Mans  eld No. 543              Missouri
           W. Bro. Joseph J. Hindson        as Senior Grand Steward  W. O. Whipps     Kalispell No. 42            Montana
           W. Bro. Emanuel Fischl            as Junior Grand Steward  Jos. w. Whritenour         Helena No. 3             Montana

                                                              Harry W. Cameron        Helena No. 3
                 Bro. John B. Jones                as Grand Tyler  Harry H Kaufman          Helena No. 3      Montana
                                                              S. B. Drum                 Lavina No. 107     Montana
      Past Grand Masters S. W. Langhorne and Moses               omas Hamline. Jr.   Arapahone No. 130   Colorado
     Morris, who were in attendance, were invited to seats in   Charles E. Hulee   Ancient Landmark No.5  Minnesota
     the Grand East.                                          R. B. Osborne       Acacia No. 33                North Dakota
                                                                                  Holden No. 81
                                                              William Pippy
      The officers of the Grand Lodge retired and returned    W. E. Olsen         Valier No. 76        Montana
                                                                                  Holman No. 593
                                                              Herry J. Johnson
     into the hall under the direction of the Grand Marshal.  George R. Austin    Sandstone No. 84     Montana
                                                              George A. Wright    North Star No. 45    Montana
      The Lodge was thereupon opened in Ample Form on         Guy Dowen           Chinook No. 50       Montana
     the Third Degree of Masonry by the M. W. Grand Master.   Frank J. Mullis     Lee P. Gilette No. 272   Nebraska
                                                              Deward E. Hawley    Lavina No. 107       Montana
      The following petition for Dispensation was read by the   Roy G. Schillerstrom   Valier No. 76        Montana
                                                              Walter E. Wilson
                                                                                  Hardin No. 44
     Grand Secretary by order of the M. W. Grand Master:      Joseph P. Sternhagen   Lemmon No. 151             South Dakota
                                                              Charles L. Scott    Mahaska No. 336      Iowa
                                                              Floyd Benbrook      Wibaux No. 81        Montana
     Petition For Dispensation - Montana Army Lodge           In compliance with the foregoing petition and by virtue
      To    e Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand     of special authority granted by the Grand Lodge at its
     Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Montana:                         annual session, recently held, Letters of Dispensation
                                                            had  been  issued for  Montana  Army  Lodge No. 1.  The
      The undersigned, Master Masons in good standing,      Dispensation was read together with names of officers of
     members  of  Montana  lodges  and  of  other  jurisdictions   the new lodge.
     recognized by the Grand Lodge of Montana, and each
     being regularly enlisted in the Second Montana Regiment   Montana Army Lodge No. 1 was then formally instituted
     of the Army of the United States of America, and being, or   by M. W. Grand Master Francis D. Jones. Following this
     to be sent to other places in the United States and possibly   ceremony the officers of the new lodge were installed into
     beyond territory limits of the United States to aid our   office and duly invested with their respective jewels.
     national cause in the present war with the German Empire
     and its Allies, believing that we should endeavor  to keep,   It is of interest to note that all the Lodge officers were
     in time of danger, as close a fraternal Masonic intercourse   present, as soldiers of the Montana Regiment in process
     as will be possible and to hold communion with each    of mobilization at Fort William Henry Harrison, four
     other and practice and preserve our ancient and mystic   miles from Helena.
     rites, and believing that in the personnel of our Regiment
     there are many who are desirous of and are worthy to     The ceremonial was one of impressive dignity, made
     become members of our fraternity, and in seconding the   possible by the able cooperation of the brethren of Helena,
                                                            who served as Grand Officers and assisted in other ways.
       Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 21                                               April/May 2020   Volume 96 No. 3
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