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Sources and References                                Brief Histories Of Divisions, U.S. Army, 1917-1918, Prepared in
                                                            the Historical Branch, War Plans Division, General Sta  , June
     Annual Proccedings, Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana, 1917,   1921.
     1918, 1919 and 1920.
                                                            United States Army In    e World War 1917-1919, Reports
     Minutes and Records of Montana Army Lodge No. 1., archives   of Commander in Chief A.E.F. Sta   Sections and Services,
     of the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana and the Montana    Department of theArmy, Historical Division, 1948.
     Masonic Foundation, Inc.
                                                            Clark, George B., 1928.    e American Expeditionary Force in
     History of the USS Leviathan: cruiser and Transport Forces,   World War I: A Statistical History, 1917-1919, McFarland & Co.
     United States Atlantic Fleet, NY: Brookln Eagle Press, 1919
                                                            Baird, Kennon, Helena As She Was.
     Buschlen, J.P., 1919, Big Horn County (Montana) in the World
     War, Hardin, MT, Hardin Tribune.                       Special    anks to:
     Robinson, Ken, 2018, Work War I Montana,    e Treasure State   Ellen Baumler, Interpretive Historian, Montana Historical
     Prepares, Charleston, SC, History Press.
                                                            Col. Raymond Read, USA Ret, of the Montana Military Museum
     Shipley,    omas, Capt., 1920,    e History of the A. E. F., New   at Fort Harrison, Montana.
     York, George H. Doran, Co.
                                                            R.W. Brother Dan Gardiner, Grand Secretary of the Grand
     Strout, Tom, 1921, Montana its Story and Biography, Volume 1,   Lodge of Montana for his research contributions, photos and
        e American Historical Society                       historical information, and his yet to be published book bout
                                                            the Montana Army Lodge.
     Yellowstone County, Montana, in the World War, 1917-1918-
     1919                                                   Photographs coursty of the Montana Masonic Foundation and
                                                            Helena As She Was.
     Garlock, Glenn, W, Lt. Coonel, An A  ernoon of Grim Fighting:
        e Fate of Foster and Robert Decorah                 Local newspapers from 1917-1919

     Harper’s  Pictorial Library  Of     e  World  War,  Vol  V,  1920,       Conrad Independent
     Harper & Brothers.                                                       Great Falls Tribune
                                                                                Helena Herald
     Arpin, Edmund P., A Wisconsinite in World War I:                         Helena Independent
     Reminiscences of Edmund P. Arpin, Jr., Part II: Action,    e               Butte Daily Post
     Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Winter, 1967-                  e Missoulian
     1968), pp. 124-138, Wisconsin Historical Society                           Billings Gazette
                                                                                 Kalispell Bee
        e 32nd Division in the World War, 1917-1919,  Wisconsin War        Daily Interlake Newspaper
     History Commission                                                     Fergus County Democrat
     Work, Clemens P., Darkest Before Dawn: Sedition and Free   Dedicated to
     Speech in the American West                            All the Freemasons who served during World War 1,  and
                                                               e 163rd Infantry, 2nd Montana Infantry, 1917-1919.
     No More War, No More Plague, Montana    e Magazine of
     Western History, Summer 2018.
     World Health Organization, Pandemic Phases.
     Stilwell, Blake, A  er World War I Canceled the Olympics, Allied
     Troops Held    eir Own Games, Military. Com
     Duncan, George B, Major General, 1920,  O   cial History of
     82nd Division American Expeditionary Forces “All American”
     Division 1917-1919,  Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, Co.
     Yellowstone County, Montana, in the World War, 1917-1918-

     Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I),
     National Archives

     Swarthout, W.N.O., 1916, History Second Regiment Infantry
     National Guard, Helena, Mont.

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