Page 35 - MFM MayJune 2023.indd
P. 35

R-2023-2A and R-2023-4A and must be held over for one year. The resolutions submitted by Deer Lodge No. 14 and
     Friendship Lodge No. 37 will conflict with one another if each resolution passes. Additionally, the Committee on
     Jurisprudence has pointed out certain issues with each of those resolutions that will cause conflicts in the Constitution
     and in the Code if passed as is. Part of our duties is to point out these issues for Grand Lodge to consider with these
     points in mind in order that the appropriate action may be taken. The entire list of issues may be found at the end of
     each Resolution. The most significant issues are the conflicts between existing language in the Constitution / Code of
     Statutes and that of the proposed amendments. Specifically, the proposed amendments set forth different criteria for
     the election of Grand Officers than in Sections 510. ELECTED AND APPOINTED.  and 520. QUALIFICATIONS OF

     The following resolutions: R-2023-1, R-2023-5, R-2023-6, R-2023-7 and R-2023-8 are in order and are resolutions
     proposing amendments to the Code of Statutes and may be presented as appropriate.

     Our recommendation is to allow these resolutions to proceed as a business item at the Annual Communication as
     required by Section 470. Subsection C. which states in part “Any resolution, report, or recommendation timely received
     is automatically considered as business at the annual communication unless withdrawn.” at which point, the appropriate
     action may be taken.

     This concludes the preliminary report at this time.

     Respectfully Submitted,

     Committee on Jurisprudence
     Clifford Brophy (62)(53), Chair
     Bryan Kirkland
     Dustin Timmons
     James Manning

     (Signature of members pending)
     Cody Thormahlen

                                   Report of the Finance Committee

     March 4, 2023 @ 10:00AM

     The Finance Committee held a meeting on March 4, 2023 at 10:00AM as regularly called and scheduled by the Deputy
     Grand Master. The stated purpose of the meeting was to consider the proposed budget and per capita for the Masonic
     year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

     The committee members discussed potential sources of revenue available to offset projected expenses. The Grand
     Treasurer noted that the note receivable from the IOOF was paid in full last summer and therefore there would be no
     further interest income from that note. He also noted that with the increase in interest precipitated by the Federal Open
     Market Committee (the Fed) that it was anticipated that Grand Lodge should see more interest from its investments.
     As a result, projected income from investments was increased by $10,000. Although the amount of the staff services
     agreement was not confirmed with the Montana Masonic Foundation trustees, it was reasonable to assume the staff
     reimbursement would remain the same at $48,000. In addition, it was anticipated that Grand Lodge would continue to
     get $10,000 to offset the cost of meals at Grand Lodge.  Total anticipated revenue, excluding per capita was $101,900.

     The committee then reviewed and analyzed projected expenses. Committee members noted that the cost of travel had
     increased significantly since the start of the pandemic and that those costs needed to be increased. After consideration,
     the committee increased travel reimbursement by $5,000. The costs of the Grand Secretary’s office were increased
     $1,500 to accommodate increases in compensation for staff.

     A  significant  increase  in  projected  costs  were  those  associated  with  general  office  and  operating  expenses.  One
     cost that increased significantly was insurance. In the current year it was budgeted at $16,100, however the current
     year costs came in over $24,000. The committee had no reason to expect it to be lower in the upcoming year. This
     insurance covers Masonic activities at all of the Lodges in Montana, as well as Grand Lodge activities. In all, the cost
     of operation was projected to increase $9,100.
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