Page 32 - MFM MayJune 2023.indd
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Session Infor mation

      Duty to Attend Session                                     Balloting & Other Matters Before Grand Lodge

      Every year, Worshipful Masters and Wardens promise to      There shall be no appeal from the rulings of the Grand Master
     submit to the “ancient charges and regulations of Masonry”   as the presiding officer.
     during their installation. These charges point out the duties of
     the Master of a Lodge and are deemed so important that they   Notice for Balloting on
     are read to ensure accuracy.                                Grand Lodge Officers for 2022 -2023
      In these charges, you promise a regular attendance on the
     committees  and  communications  of  the  Grand  Lodge  upon    During the Annual Communication, the voting delegates will
     having  received  proper  notice  and  pay  attention  to  all  the   be voting for the following officers.
     duties  of  Masonry.  A  Lodge  is  a  constituent  of  the  Grand   Deputy Grand Master (Grand Master-elect)
     Lodge when in session. In order for a lodge to be a component   Senior Grand Warden
     of Grand Lodge, it must be represented. Thus, its presence   Junior Grand Warden
     is mandatory, either personally or by proxy. Additionally, our   Grand Secretary
     Code requires each Lodge be represented by the attendance   Grand Treasurer
     of their Master and Wardens.
                                                                 The various duties of these officers are specified within the
      Representation in Grand Lodge                             Constitution and Code of Statues.

      Section  25050  states  that  “Each  chartered  and  duly   Presentation of Lodge Banners
     constituted  lodge  shall  be  represented  in  Grand  Lodge  at
     every non-ceremonial communication by one or more of its    Again, this year, Lodges are encouraged to bring their Lodge
     Master and Wardens, or by an elected representative. Where   Banner  for  display  during  the  Annual  Communication.  The
     a Master or Warden is unable to attend, the lodge Instructor   Banners will be able to be posted in a designed area.
     shall be given the preferential representation.
                                                                 Apron at Session
      Proxies                                                    All Mason and Lodge Officers are encouraged to bring and

      Whenever the Master, Senior Warden or Junior Warden       wear the apron appropriate to their office or station within
     cannot  attend  the  annual  communication,  he  may  grant  a   the Lodge. All Past Masters are encouraged to wear their Past
     proxy (using the Proxy Card provided by the Grand Secretary,)   Master Apron. There will be a limited number of plain paper
     to some member of his lodge to act in his stead. The proxy   aprons available for use.
     must be issued and signed by him at least two days prior to   The lambskin apron is the prized possession of every Mason.
     the  annual  communication,  and  he  must  notify  the  other   It is customary to wear a substitute, a white cloth apron. Some
     officers  of  the  granting  of  the  proxy.  The  proxy  must  be   Lodges  provide  special  aprons  for  their  officers,  and  most
     presented when checking in and registering at the annual   Grand  Lodges  have  more  elaborate  aprons  for  their  Grand
     communication.                                             Officers and past Grand Officers. To be “properly clothed,” a
      If either the Master, Senior or Junior Warden has died    Mason must wear the apron in Lodge unless, as an officer,
     during his term of office or has permanently moved from this   he wears the appropriate apron supplied him by the Lodge
     jurisdiction, the lodge may, at a regular meeting held at least   of Grand Lodge. Within the Grand Jurisdiction of Montana,
     two days prior to the annual communication, elect a proxy   Masons always wear their aprons outside of clothing, not
     for such officer. If the member designated as a proxy does   under a coat or jacket.
     not use it, the credential cannot be used by anyone else. If
     a proxy is being given, it should be given to a member of the   Concerning Balloting
     other than a Past Master, as they have a vote. If attending as
     a Proxy, the member must present his current Montana Dues   In   Anderson’s   Constitutions   and    in   Mackey’s
     Card and the Proxy Card to the registration committee.     Jurisprudence,  we  find  that  the  “immemorial  usages”
                                                                concerning balloting and electing that it be independent
               Dues Cards Must Be Presented                     and secret. The secrecy of the ballot is as essential to its
                                                                perfection as its unanimity and its independence.
      The  Current  Dues  Card  will  need  to  be  presented  at
     Check-In  and  Registration  at  Session.  The  current  dues   Frequently we hear those who would propose that we
     card will show an expiration date of December 31, 2023.    change our procedures to match that of political parties or
     Failure to present your 2023 Dues Card will result in you   other organizations in the name of transparency but doing
     not being able to participate in Session.                  so would throw out secrecy and would be un-masonic.

      Tie Vote                                                   On legislation M.W.P.G.M.-Hon Dean Lindal (#5), Grand
                                                                Secretary  1982-2001  frequently  stated  “The  only  good
      The  Grand  Master  shall  have  a  regular  vote  in  all  matters   legislation  is  legislation  that  will  do  something  for  the
     before Grand Lodge. In case of a tie vote, he may also cast the   Mason in his Lodge that he can see and makes the Lodge
     deciding vote.                                             better.”

       Montana Freemason                                                                Page 32                                          May/June 2023   Volume 100 No.2
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