Page 36 - MFM MayJune 2023.indd
P. 36

In reviewing the cost of the Grand Lodge session and the receipts of funds to offset meals, together with a review of
     funded Grand Lodge activities, the projected expenses in those areas were projected to be reduced by $10,500.

     This budget represents a greater emphasis on Grand Lodge Officer travel and less on Grand Lodge programs that are
     historically not very well utilized.

     In summary, income (excluding per capita) was projected to increase by $5,970. At the same time, expenses were
     expected to increase by $5,100.

     The summary of the various income and expenses are as follows:

     INCOME                                                2023-2024                    2022-2023
     Investment Income                                             40,000                           30,000
     Staff Services Agreement                                      48,000                      48,000
     Other projected Income                                        13,900                  17,930
     Per Capita                                                  136,100                      136,970
     TOTAL PROJECTED INCOME                                      238,000                      232,900

     EXPENSES                                              2023-2024                    2022-2023
     Grand Lodge Officer Travel & Expenses                         42,150                  37,150
     Grand Secretary’s Office                                    106,500                      105,000
     Grand Lodge General and Operating Expenses                    79,250                       70,150
     Grand Lode Session                                              5,500                  8,500
     Grand Lodge Programs and Activities                             4,600                      12,100
     TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES                                         238,000                 232,900

     2022-2023 required per capita Is $136,970 divided by 2440 per capita paying members = $56.15
     2023-2024 required per capita is $136,100 divided by 2140 per capita paying members = $63.60

     After discussion of the projected budget for the 2023-2024 Masonic year, the budget was adopted by the committee. It
     was then noted that per capita would initially projected to be $63.60 for the 2023-2024 Masonic year.

     The Grand Treasurer reminded the committee that the projected per capita number was subject to change based on the
     final calculation of per capita paying members. The number would be revisited prior to the Grand Lodge session.
     Respectfully submitted,

     David Schantz, Chairman (29)
     Sam Whitehead (3)
     Bruce Lahti (34)
     Daniel Gardiner (3)
     Brice Ligget (29)
     Kyron Jeno (3)

       Montana Freemason                                                                Page 36                                          May/June 2023   Volume 100 No.2
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