Page 27 - MFM MayJune 2023.indd
P. 27


                                                   Johnathon Dahlquist
                                             Most Worshipful Grand Master

     Declining membership describes the situation where the number of members in an organization or group is
     steadily decreasing over time. Declining membership is a massive concern for Freemasonry as it leads to a
     loss of resources, decreased influence, and difficulty in achieving goals. Freemasonry needs to acknowledge
     this is happening and take steps to address its declining membership.

      Membership declines in Freemasonry are happening for various reasons, including but not limited to the

      1.    Lack of interest:  Members lose interest in Freemasonry’s activities or mission.

      2.   Aging membership: If Freemasonry’s membership is primarily composed of older individuals, there
      may be a natural decline in membership as members age and pass away.

      3.   Changes in Freemasonry’s mission or values: If Freemasonry changes, no longer applies, or cannot
      effectively communicate its mission or values, it may no longer appeal to its existing members.

      4.    Competition from other organizations: If other organizations offer similar or perceived close facsimiles
      to our programs or services, members may join those organizations instead.

      5.    Lack of resources: If Freemasonry is unable to identify, explain, and provide the resources or benefits
      that members are looking for, they may choose to leave the organization.

      6.    Poor  leadership:  If  Freemasonry  has  poor  leadership  or  is  not  effectively  communicating  with  its
      members, it will lead to a decline in membership as members become disengaged or frustrated.

     What can we change, and how?

      We can change - Lack of interest in Freemasonry:

      1.    Promote  your  fraternity:  Use  social  media,  email  newsletters,  and  other  marketing  channels
      ( to promote the fraternity and its activities. Highlight membership benefits and how
      Freemasonry can help members achieve their goals.

      2.   Offer valuable programs and services: Develop, understand, and be able to articulate programs
      and services that are valuable to new and existing members that align with Freemasonry’s mission and
      goals. This should include educational workshops, understanding and articulating who we are and what
      we do, and access to resources and tools.
      3.   Engage with the public and potential members: Attend events and conferences where potential
      members may be present. Interact with them and share information about Freemasonry and its activities.

      4.   Collaborate with other lodges or jurisdictions: Partner with other jurisdictions or lodges that share
      similar goals and values. This can help expand Freemasonry’s reach and attract new members.

      5.   Provide a positive and rewarding member experience: It is critical that we ensure members have a
      positive experience with the fraternity. This includes providing an amazing experience during degrees,
      being receptive to member feedback, and creating an accepting, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

      6.   Leverage existing members: The craft should always encourage existing members to invite their
      friends and colleagues to join Freemasonry if they believe it would be of mutual benefit. “Word-of-mouth”
      referrals are always a powerful way to attract new members.

       Montana Freemason                                                                Page 27                                          May/June 2023   Volume 100 No.2
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