Page 18 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 18

Montana Freemason  May 2015	                                     Volume 91 Number 2

Be it further resolved that Section 2030 be amended as follows:

2030. GRAND TREASURER. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer to:
A. Cause an accurate, complete and uniform set of financial records to be maintained, accounting for the
receipts, disbursements and properly recognizable assets and liabilities of Grand Lodge. Such records shall
be kept on an acceptable basis of accounting and an annual independent review of the financial statements
will be provided for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive
basis of accounting which is generally accepted in the United States of America.
B. Receive all statements and communications from banks and other financial institutions relative to
depository accounts held in the name of or for the benefit of Grand Lodge; review and reconcile all such
accounts and statements; and promptly transmit the same to the Grand Secretary.
C. Take charge of all other property of Grand Lodge, except property specifically charged to the Grand
Secretary, and to keep an accurate account thereof;
D. Review all transfers of funds for compliance with such regulations and procedures as may be provided by
Grand Lodge; review all disbursement of funds for all appropriations by Grand Lodge, for all orders of the
Grand Master to meet cases of emergency that may arise in a recess of Grand Lodge, and in payment of bills,
claims and demands upon Grand Lodge; and to review and approve claims for reimbursement of expenses
submitted as provided herein;
E. Attend Grand Lodge at all its communications, except ceremonial communications, and to make available
to the Grand Master, when required, the books and all necessary records appertaining to his office; and also,
if required by Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, to provide such books and records to any committee which
may be appointed to act in relation to the fiscal affairs of Grand Lodge;
F. Prepare and deliver, at each annual communication, a detailed report of the financial condition of Grand
Lodge prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive
basis of accounting which is generally accepted in the United States of America;
G. Serve on a special committee to approve lodge plans for financing and building;
H. Pay over and transfer to his successor at the end of his term all funds and property of Grand Lodge then
in his possession; and
I. Consult with the Deputy Grand Master and the Committee on Finance in the preparation of the Grand
Lodge budget as provided for elsewhere in this Code (5080); and
J. Serve as treasurer of the Grand Master’s Lodge.
[1999 Proc. 85-86 (Jur. Com. Report)] [2000 Proc. 93-94 (R-2000-1); 2005 Proc. (Committee Rpt. C-2005-
3.1.); 2009 Pro. 93, (FIN-2009-02)]

Be it further resolved that Section 2040 be amended as follows:

2040. GRAND SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to:
A. Attend all annual communications and record all the transactions of Grand Lodge proper to be written
and furnish each lodge a copy of each amendment to the Constitution and Statutes adopted;
B. Receive and accurately account for all the funds and property of Grand Lodge, from whatever source
C. Keep a record of the returns made by lodges;
D. Receive and preserve all petitions, applications, appeals and other documents;
E. Sign, certify to and duly seal all instruments of writing issued by the Grand Lodge;
F. Conduct the correspondence, and report annually to the several Grand Lodges in correspondence with
this Grand Lodge the names of the Grand Lodge Officers elected;
G. Make a report at each annual communication of:
1. Monies received and expended;
2. Failures or want of punctuality on the part of the lodges in paying dues or making proper returns; and
3. Of such other matters as in his judgment may require the action of Grand Lodge;
H. Furnish, in due time previous to each annual communication, each lodge with blank returns, with such
instructions in regard to them as the rules and regulations of Grand Lodge may require;
I. Refer to the appropriate committees, when duly assembled, all matters requiring their attention, together
with all books and papers needed in the discharge of their duties:

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