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Montana Freemason  May 2015	  Volume 91 Number 2

Submitted by Huntley Project Lodge No. 144.
Original resolution signed by Wayne Butler, Worshipful Master, and Laris W. Roberts, Secretary, January
14, 2015.

CReosmolmuteionntsRo-f2t0h1e3-C0o3mAmseietktes,eionnpJaurtr,istopraudddetnhceeS: enior Grand Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon to the list
of elected Grand Lodge Officers by Constitutional amendment. If that resolution passes, this resolution,
which seeks to amend the Code of Statutes to add the Senior Grand Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon to
the list of elected officers and remove them from the list of appointed officers, will be required to bring the
Code into conformity with the Constitution.
Resolution R-2015-03B depends upon the passage of Resolution R-2015-03A. If R-2015-03A passes by
majority vote at this Annual Communication, this resolution will be brought to the floor and immediately
tabled until the 2016 Annual Communication. If R-2015-03A fails, this resolution will be withdrawn or
declared out of order.
If Resolution R-2015-03A receives the necessary three-quarters favorable vote at the 2016 Annual
Communication, Resolution R-2015-03B will be taken off the table, discussed, and voted upon. In accordance
with Code Section 50320, a two-thirds favorable vote is required for passage.

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