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Montana Freemason  RESOLUTMIaOyN20N1o5.	 R-20l5-3A                                  Volume 91 Number 2


Be it resolved that Section 230 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge A.F. &A.M. of Montana be amended
as follows:

1. The Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasurer, and Grand
Secretary, Senior Grand Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon shall be elected by ballot at each annual

  a. Each installed Deputy Grand Master shall be considered the Grand Master-elect and will be installed
  as Most Worshipful Grand Master at the succeeding Annual Communication. Should the Deputy Grand
  Master (Grand Master-elect) be unable, for any reason, to be installed in the office of Most Worshipful
  Grand Master, there shall be elected by ballot from the brethren who are eligible, a Grand Master, in
  addition to the other elected Grand Officers. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for an election.
  All other Grand Lodge Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master.
  b. Election as Senior Grand Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon shall be from eligible
  brethren who have met the requirements of Section 520.
2. Appointed Grand Lodge Officers shall be selected by the Grand Master from eligible brethren who shall
be appointed by him to serve a one year term, who shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 520.

Be it further resolved that Section 520 of the Constitution be amended as follows:

1. All officers must be a member of a lodge in this jurisdiction. The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master
All Grand Lodge Officers elected or appointed must be a Past Master of a lodge of this jurisdiction. The
Grand Secretary must be a member of Grand Lodge.
2. Eligibility to serve as an Appointed Grand Officer shall include:
a. Hold designation as a Certified Lodge Instructor;
b. Successful completion of all Constitution and Code Tests and;
c. If selected to be a District Officer he shall also belong to a Lodge within the District to which he is

Be it further resolved that Section 550 be amended as follows :

550. VACANCY OR INCAPACITY. Should the offices of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior
Grand Warden, and Junior Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and Senior and Junior Grand
Deacon all become vacant, or all the incumbents become incapacitated, it shall be the duty of the Grand
Secretary Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence to convene a special communication within 60
days of the last occurring vacancy or incapacitation, at which members of Grand Lodge shall be elected and
installed in the manner provided for at an annual communication. Pending the election and installation, the
immediate Past Grand Master of this jurisdiction, who is then residing in the state and who is a member in
good standing of a lodge in this jurisdiction, shall discharge the duties of the Grand Master.

Submitted by Huntley Project Lodge No. 144.
Original resolution signed by Wayne Butler, Worshipful Master, and Laris W. Roberts, Secretary, January
14, 2015.

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