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Montana Freemason  May 2015	                     Volume 91 Number 2

RESOLUTION No. R-20l5-3A continued from page 11

TPhroeppoansseangte’s oRfatthioenaabloev: e would clarify the “elected/appointed and progressive” Grand Lodge line; as well
as the eligibility criteria, selection and term of the Appointed Grand Lodge Officer line. This legislation
provides the guidelines for Grand Masters to apply in their selection of Appointed Grand Lodge Officers.
The qualifications give the various Districts equal footing for consideration from members within their
District as the appointments would come from a pool of eligible prospective appointees starting with
the long established Lodge Instructor. Since the duties of the Lodge Instructor and the District Officer
already overlap per the Code it establishes a built in pool of qualified individuals for possible selection
as an Appointed Grand Lodge Officer. The Craft becomes more invested in recommending the best men
as Lodge Instructor and gains input on who may be considered to represent them. The Selection by the
Grand Master would allow the appointee to serve a one year term, the appointed individual could but not
necessarily be reappointed again by the next Grand Master. This would also make the appointed officer
positions lateral rather than progressive. Passage of this legislation would free Grand Masters to more easily
select qualified individuals who would serve as an appointed officer for one year. Adding the Senior Grand
Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon to the elected line allows the Craft to have a voice much sooner in the
election of the elected “progressive line” thus allowing them a stronger voice in who ultimately represents
them and allowing them to elect the Senior Grand Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon from among any of the
Appointed Grand Officers (the pool of eligible brethren).
CThoims rmesiottlueetioonn sJeuerkissptrouaddedntcheeCSoemnimoreGnrtsa:nd Deacon and Junior Grand Deacon to the list of elected Grand
Lodge Officers, to change and add qualifications required for all Grand Lodge Officers, to create additional
qualifications for appointed Grand Lodge Officers, and specify that the terms of appointed Grand Lodge
Officers are one year. It also changes the procedures for replacement if all elected Grand Officers become
incapacitated or their positions vacant.
This resolution, as originally submitted, had amendments to both the Constitution and Code of Statutes.
Since there are different procedures and passage requirements for Constitution amendments and Code
amendments, the Committee on Jurisprudence separated the legislation into two different resolutions.
This resolution, R-2015-03A, contains Constitution amendments, and R-2015-03B, contains the Code
This resolution seeks to amend the Constitution. In accordance with Section 810 of the Constitution, the
Grand Master shall refer this resolution to a special committee, which shall review the proposed amendment
and make corrections which do not change its original intent. The special committee shall report on the
proposed amendment by recommending passage or defeat thereof, and may concurrently recommend
substantive amendments or a substitute Constitutional amendment which shall be considered by the
members of Grand Lodge.
If the proposed Constitutional amendment and any amendments to it are approved by a majority vote of
the members present, it shall be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, which shall report thereon
at the next annual communication. A three-fourths favorable vote must be received at the next annual
communication for the amendment to be adopted.

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