Page 13 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 13

Be it resolved that a new section be added to Code Article II – POWERS AND DUTIES OF ELECTED
2050. GRAND DEACONS. It shall be the duty of the Grand Deacons to assist the Grand Master and Grand
Wardens in such manner as the ancient usages of the Craft prescribe. They shall serve on committees as
provided for elsewhere in this Code (5020).
Be it further resolved that Code Section 3010 be deleted in its entirety from Article III – DUTIES OF
3010. GRAND DEACONS. It shall be the duty of the Grand Deacons to assist the Grand Master and Grand
Wardens in such manner as the ancient usages of the Craft prescribe. They shall serve on committees as
provided for elsewhere in this Code (5020).
Be it further resolved that current Sections 3020 through 3130 be renumbered as follows:
3010. 3020. GRAND MARSHAL. It shall be the duty of the Grand Marshal to
A. Proclaim the Grand Officers at their installation and to make such other proclamations as may be directed
by the Grand Master;
B. Introduce representatives of other grand lodges and all visiting brethren of distinction;
C. Conduct all processions of Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Master;
D. Serve on the Committee on Masonic Youth Groups and other committees as provided for elsewhere in
this Code (5020); and
E. Perform such other duties proper to his office as may be required.
[2003 Proc. 50, (Committee Rpt Rec.)]
3020. 3030. GRAND STEWARDS. It shall be the duty of the Grand Stewards to have immediate
superintendence, under the direction of the Junior Grand Warden, of the provisions to be made on all festive
occasions. They shall serve on the Committee on Work and other committees as provided for elsewhere in
this Code (5020).
3030. 3040. GRAND STANDARD BEARER. It shall be the duty of the Grand Standard Bearer to take charge
of the Grand Standard and bear the banner of Grand Lodge in processions and public ceremonies when
required by the Grand Master. He shall serve on committees as provided for elsewhere in this Code (5020).
[2005 Proc. (Committee Rpt. C-2005-2)]
3040. 3050. GRAND SWORD BEARER. It shall be the duty of the Grand Sword Bearer to bear the sword
of Grand Lodge in processions and public ceremonies when required by the Grand Master. He shall serve
on the committees as provided for elsewhere in this Code (5020). [2003 Proc. 51, (Committee Rpt. Rec.)]
3050. 3060. GRAND PURSUIVANT. It shall be the duty of the Grand Pursuivant to be a grand messenger
and perform such other duties proper to his office as may be required. He shall serve on the committees as
provided for elsewhere in this Code (5020). [2003 Proc. 51, (Committee Rpt. Rec.)]
3060. 3070. GRAND TYLER. It shall be the duty of the Grand Tyler to:
A. Guard the door of Grand Lodge on the outside;
B. Report all persons claiming admission and see that none pass or repass but such as are duly authorized
and properly clothed;

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