Page 10 - MFM May 2015 C
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RESOLUTION No. R-2015-02
 tAptwhrarooethsiihnobatliuestrtcbivooeennnenistnoidgcaeoAdrnadnstiniadouennareleowCdf oslaeemncgdmtiisorulaenntjeiitococanttethiwdoeinatCshtohtcnwaosvonteittpeubrnteeitevosninoohuof esfaldtchsosienminGsieclrcaeaurntthndiveaLetluoaArsdentgnroeeunjoaeftlchtMCeiooosnmna.mtmaneuans,uiwcbahjteiiccothnmswuaotnuttledirl
Be it resolved that a new section be added to ARTICLE IV – COMMUNICATIONS of the Constitution of
the Grand Lodge of Montana:
475. SIMILAR MATTERS. If resolutions, recommendations or reports of a similar nature on the same
subject matter have been presented to Grand Lodge at two consecutive Annual Communications and
after a vote thereon have been rejected, no resolution, recommendation or report of a similar nature on
the same subject matter shall be considered at an Annual Communication until two intervening Annual
Communications have been held. This restriction shall not apply to emergent matters as provided for in
Section 470 of this Constitution. Legislation considered in two consecutive years because of the carryover
provisions of Section 810 of this Constitution is a single piece of legislation and shall be considered as such.
Submitted by Bozeman Lodge No. 18.
Original resolution signed by Mark W. Edgerley, Worshipful Master, and Gilbert E. Curtis, Secretary, on
January 15, 2015.
PThroerpeoinseancto’ssEt ixnpplarnepaatiroinngo, freRveieswoliuntgi,opnr:inting and distribution proposed resolutions. There is also time used
during the Annual Communication to present and argue resolutions, as well as to vote regarding them.
If a resolution keeps being submitted, but cannot receive two-thirds of the vote in the case of the Code of
Statutes, or a three-fourths of the vote in the case of the Constitution, on two successive attempts, it is not likely
to pass on the third, fourth or fifth attempts.
A layover of two years gives the proponent and the Craft an opportunity to re-evaluate whether the subject
matter of the resolution has merit and/or required major revision.
Emergent matters would be exempt from this layover requirement. Up to four years could be involved in the
case of a resolution seeking to amend the Constitution.
TChoims rmesiottleuetioonn,JausriosrpirguindaelnlycesuCbommitmteedn, tws:as proposed as an amendment to the Code of Statutes. However,
in reviewing the content of the resolution, the members of the Committee on Jurisprudence thought it was
obvious that the proponents had intended that the restriction in the resolution be applied to amendments to
both the Constitution and the Code of Statutes. For that reason, the resolution was rewritten as an amendment
to the Constitution, and would be applicable to legislation dealing with both the Constitution and the Code of
This resolution seeks to prohibit the Grand Lodge from acting on legislation that contains similar matters
as legislation that had been rejected in the two consecutive preceding Annual Communications. Such
legislation would not be able to be considered until two Annual Communications had intervened since its last
This resolution seeks to amend the Constitution. In accordance with Section 810 of the Constitution, the
Grand Master shall refer this resolution to a special committee, which shall review the proposed amendment
and make corrections which do not change its original intent. The special committee shall report on the
proposed amendment by recommending passage or defeat thereof, and may concurrently recommend
substantive amendments or a substitute Constitutional amendment which shall be considered by the members
of Grand Lodge.
If the proposed Constitutional amendment and any amendments to it are approved by a majority vote of the
members present, it shall be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, which shall report thereon at the next
annual communication. A three-fourths favorable vote must be received at the next annual communication
for the amendment to be adopted.

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