Page 27 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 27

149th Annual Communication
                       GRAND LJOuBnDoeGz2eE5m,Aa2Fn6,,&&MAo2Mn7t,a2on0fa1M5ONTANA

                       PRE-R1E49GtIhSATnRnAuTaIlOCNomMmauilntihciastiFoonrm to:
                                          PO Box 1158

                                   Helena, MT 59624-1158

                       Registration must be Received prior to June 1, 2014

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT: (Name Badge Will Be Completed From This Information)

NAME: ______________________________________________TITLE: _____________________________
                       (Full Given Name)			                                                               (Title - WM, Sec, Trs, PM, MM)	

NAME OF LODGE: ____________________________________________ LODGE NUMBER: __________
MAILING ADDRESS:_________________________CITY: ________________STATE: _____ZIP:________ 	
TELEPHONE: _____________E-MAIL:____________________ACCOMPANIED BY:__________________

                                                                                                                  (Lady’s Name) 		
 Please complete the top section and mail it in even if you do not plan to purchase any meals.

                           Tickets are limited and availability is not guaranteed after June 1st

Friday, June 26, 2015
LMaedni’ess&LuLnucnhcehoeno	n	 	(H	ambu	rger B	ar)						                                                  No. ____ @ $18.00 = $ ______
Delegates (& Ladies)                                                                                      No. ____ @ $27.00 = $ ______	
			                   Banqueotr(L(oSnadlmononB)r	oil)							NNoo..                                        ____  @  $38.00  =  $  ______
                                                                                                          ____  @  $38.00  =  $  ______	

Saturday, June 27, 2015                                                                                   No. ____ @ $20.00 = $______
MReecne’sptLiounncfhoeroGnra(nTdraMil aRsitdeer L&unGcrhaenodnLBoadrg- echOicfkfiecne,rsp	ork	, sa	lad)	  No. ____ @ $23.00 = $ _____	

                        (assorted hor d’oeuvres)

Payment for Activities:                                                                                   Total Activity Amount: $________
Check Enclosed: #____________________________ 	

(Please make checks payable to: 149th Annual Communication)

Credit Card (Master Card or Visa Only): _______________________	 Expires: __________	
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________ 	

               Registration/Credentials and Session will be at the Holiday Inn (5 E Baxter Lane)
                                       The “Session” will be held at the Holdiay Inn

Your curIrfeanttteanudtihnograizseadPGrorxayndYoLuomdguestDpureesseCnatrtdheisPrreoqxuyiCreadrdtowbheenpryeosuenstigend aint SanesdsiRoengiRsteegristration
                                         General Member Registration Form
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