Page 31 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 31

The MoAnntnaonuanMcesasGornanict AFwoaurndds ation

The Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3), non-profit charitable organization. It supports, encourages
and promotes free public education and schools through endowments, grants, scholarships, and fellowships. The
nonprofit organization has sponsored a reading achievement program within Montana Schools for many years
through its Bikes for Books and Kindles for Kids reading program. At its core, the Montana Masonic Foundation is
an organization created with gifts from generous people committed to local causes. For donors, the Foundation serves
as a philanthropic advisor. For the community, the Foundation serves as a grant maker and a civic leader. Through
the support of its donors and members of the Freemason fraternity, the Foundation has been able to address some of
the community’s most pressing needs, including hunger, housing and education.
Additional Grants awarded since the last isse of the Montana Free Mason magazine include the following:

Brian Murphy, Vice President of the
Montana Masonic Foundation presents
a check for $3000.00 to Deborah Certier,
Librarian at East Side Intermediate School
for new books for Eastside Intermediary
School in Livingston.

Montana DeMolay Supporting Montana Wounded Warriors
                                                                                                                                                                       Wounded Warriors program for which he received a
The Montana Masonic Foundation provided a Grant                                                                                                                        standing ovation. Montana Wounded Warriors was
to Montana DeMolay allowing its members to give and                                                                                                                    formed to provide residents of the State of Montana,
participate in assisting with a charitable organization                                                                                                                IwaTrnhhadeqoseawfinsvehdereitnAewrgfagonhousapnnmpdioesurdtsattuansnawliastaoireresshs,uaiwvlnteiotthrfheccehoeimgisvtheba-dtaqetuasatoelflrietvyaMischtoeunainnt3atit0nnh%age.
within Montana that could use financial assistance.                                                                                                                    disability rating from the VA.
Montana DeMolay chose to support the Montana                                                                                                                           The Montana Wounded Warriors are based in Columbia
                                                                                                                                                                                Falls, Montana. The organization is run by an
                                                                                                                                                                                serve Veterans in some capacity, but whose
                                                                                                                                                                                budget is primarily used to cover fundraising
                                                                                                                                                                                and other administrative costs.

                                                                                                                                                                       pwThaoieudinr dhmeudnistsiMniogonnatiansndatofVisethatieknregangtsrroiopunspswalhol-feerxe2pettnhoseei6r-
                                                                                                                                                                       chances of success are extremely high.

                                                                                                                                                                       For information about the Montana Wounded
                                                                                                                                                                       W78a5r-r8i6o9rs7porrocgrrgaamtlicno@nvtaectet:raCnshlaeradGeartslhinipa.ot r7g03

Photo: L-R: Zack Clawson; Char Gatlin - Montana Wounded Warriors; Sam Whitehead - Exective Officer MT

DeMolay; Justin Johnson- SMC; Reid Gardiner - Montana Masonic Foundation.                                                                                              Page 31
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