Page 35 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 35

Prewett, ‘The Trestleboard’, a thick, three-ring binder,        Not only does this new digital collection cover subjects
was distributed to every lodge. Contained therein               such as Required Observances, Calendars, Budgeting,
was a compilation of useful knowledge whereby any               Finances, Agendas, Mentoring, etc… it also contains
lodge might greatly benefit. However, in my travels             detailed instructions and floorwork guides for Opening,
throughout this jurisdiction, I have repeatedly made            Closing, Balloting, Visitations, Installations, Funerals,
inquiries into the accessibility and implementation of          etc… WITH ILLUSTRATIONS!
the aforementioned publications only to discover that           It’s release will coincide with the upcoming 2015
they are either missing or gathering dust in a drawer.          Grand Lodge Session in June.

While the duties of the Worshipful Master are clearly           As men who profess to associate together for the
defined in the Installation ceremony, it is my contention       purposes of self-improvement through higher thoughts,
that if a Worshipful Master does not understand what,           purer actions and greater achievements, for us to
when, why, or how to do fulfill his duties to the lodge         succumb to lethargy and apathy to any extent in the
over which he has been elected to preside, it is not his        performance of our duties is doing, not only ourselves,
fault. It is not the fault of an upcoming officer if he is      but Masonry a grave disservice. We must continually
poorly prepared for advancement. If a lodge is inept at         strive for perfection in all that we do as Freemasons. To
the performance of it’s procedures, or inadequate in the        settle for anything less breeds detachment and fosters
proper conduction of it’s affairs, it is not the fault of it’s  passivity and keeps us from reaching our highest
members. The responsibility falls on the Instructor and         potentials.
all learned Past Masters. Now, if the Instructor doesn’t        Brothers, it’s time to instruct the instructors; teach the
know what to do, it’s not necessarily his fault either. He      teachers; coach the coaches; to be mentors to mentors.
may not have been properly educated or trained with             It is hoped that this new working tool will be improved
regards to the performance of his duties.                       upon with time and experience, live in perpetuity, and
                                                                remain a valuable asset for generations to come.


The Executive Officers and members of the Committee on Work are proud of this project and excited to impel our
fraternity into a more efficient methodology of instruction. Nothing beats the spoken word and a hearty handshake,
but introducing Montana Freemasonry to the digital age has been long over due. The new concise and illustrated
‘Instructors Guide for Officers’ will provide, not only Lodge Instructors, but every caring Brother, with improved
working tools to better enable him to make Masonry in Montana a more rewarding and fulfilling experience.
While this new, digital ‘ Guide’ does not include any ‘ esoteric or secret’ work, it is planned that this new format
will be utilized in conjunction with regional Instructor’s Workshops where more in-depth study may be made and
more extensive guidance obtained.

As your Grand Master Elect, be it known that it will be my will and desire that all District Officers recommend
only ambitious and determined brothers for the appointment of Lodge Instructor; those thinking, active members
who are eager to receive instructions and improve themselves, their lodges, and Masonry in Montana.

Brothers, there is good news. MWGM, Don Cerovski                 “An education isn’t how much you
and the Committee on Work, in conjunction with several          have committed to memory, or even
hardworking, well versed brothers and yours truly, have         how much you know. It’s being able
been commissioned to compile the contents of ‘The
Trestle board, Coaches Handbook, Officer’s Guide, and             to differentiate between what you
any other relevant materials, into one concise volume                   know and what you don’t.
entitled ‘Instructors Guide for Officers’. In addition,
this collection will be in an electronic format, enabling                                                                   Page 35
it to be easily modified and improved upon, and also
conveniently distributed via either disc, drive or online.
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