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At the 148th Annual Communication held in Polson.              2014 Contingency Strategy
MWGM Thom Chisholm presented a Grand Masters                   for Masonic Home of Montana
Recommendation dealing with the status of Masonic         Analysis of Masonic Home Operations
                                                                             Board of Trustees
                   GMR-2014-01                          INTRODUCTION
                                                        During the history of the Montana Masonic Home
GrandMastersResolutionNo.R-2014-01(Amended):            there have been periods when the financial condition
The Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Montana directs the        of the Home required the Home to receive support
Board of Trustees of the Masonic Home of Montana        from the Masonic Home Foundation in order to meet
to prepare a plan for an exit strategy for the closure  its expenses. In the last several years the assets of the
of the Masonic Home within six months and to            Masonic Home are declining to the point where it may
include what assets should be sold, or kept, and what   no longer be able to provide the financial subsidies that
should be kept, and how to properly shut down the       it did in the past. Because the Foundation may not be a
Masonic Home. The incoming Grand Master create          viable source for financial assistance in the future to help
a special committee to find a means to utilize the      the Home, the Home Board in October, 2013, started to
remaining assets of the Masonic Home, including         undertake an analysis of the financial health of the Home
the all the legal entities and funds owned and          and to prepare plans for a contingency strategy in the
controlled by the Home, and the proceeds from the       event that in the future, the Home was not financially
sale of the Home’s real property, to provide charity    stable on its own. Since starting the study, the financial
to our needy brothers and family members in their       health of the Home has stabilized and the Home has not
local areas. This committee is directed to report its   needed to rely on the Foundation to financially bail it out.
findings and recommendations to the Grand Lodge         During the 2014 Grand Lodge Session, the Grand
at the 2015 Annual Communication. This directive        Lodge, in amending the Grand Master’s original
is issued under the authority granted to the Grand      recommendation that the Home’s operations be
Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana in Paragraph 2 of the      terminated within 6 months, required the Home Board
Articles of Incorporation of the Masonic Home of        to present within six months a strategy for winding
Montana                                                 down the operations of the Home if the Home were to
The Grand Master’s recommendation as amended            be closed in the future.
and passed:                                             This strategy is the finalization of the analysis
  •	 Directs the Masonic Home Board of                  commenced by the Home Board in October, 2013, and
                                                        the plan required by Grand Lodge in 2014.
      Trustees to prepare an Exist Strategy for         The Board decided that the strategy contains three
      the closure of the Masonic Home within            elements: 1) the conditions or circumstances that
      six months the Exit Strategy is to include        would trigger the execution of a plan to terminate
      what assets should be kept or sold and how        Home operations; 2) transitioning the residents from
      to properly shut down the Masonic Home.           the Home to other facilities with the least amount of
  •	 It further directs the incoming Grand Master       trauma to them; and 3) maintaining qualified staff
      to form a special committee to find a means       during the wind down period and to minimize the
      to utilize the remaining assets of the Masonic    impacts to employees facing being laid off the job. This
      Home and the proceeds from the sale of the        strategy sets forth a plan for each of these elements
      Home’s real property to provide charity to        but the Board recognizes that the plan may require
      our needy brothers and report to Grand            amendment in the future if the assumptions used in
      Lodge at the next Annual Communication.           plan are superseded by better information in the future.
Immediately following are the two documents             EVENTS TRIGGERING EXECUTION OF PLAN
prepared as a result of GMR 2014-01:                    The following conditions or events would trigger a
  1. The 2014 Contingency Strategy for Masonic          hard look by the Board in whether or not to commence
  Home of Montana, Analysis of Masonic Home             execution of the plan for the cessation of operations by
  Operations prepared by the Masonic Home Board         the Home. The identifiable conditions or events are:
  of Trustees. Submitted as the “Exit Strategy”.        1. Catastrophic damage or loss to the Home’s main
  2. Masonic Home Of Montana Special Committee          facility or necessary supporting infrastructure (water,
  Report, with its findings and recommendations.        wastewater, heat or power) of a severity that would
                                                        require the immediate evacuation of the residents
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