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Montana Freemason  May 2015	                                   Volume 91 Number 2

a damage or loss of such a magnitude that repair or            employees with bonuses as incentive to stay employed
replacement of the damaged facility or infrastructure is       during the wind down. As vacancies occur in key and
not economically feasible.                                     necessary positions, make arrangement for temporary
2. The inability of the Home for three or more                 help. (Board and Administrator)
continuous months to have sufficient regular revenues          8.The President may assign responsibility, to the
to meet operating expenses. In other words, lack of            Administrator and other Board members for
cash flow from regular revenues to meet operating              administering and monitoring completion of assigned
expenses. “Operating expenses” excludes depreciation           tasks falling under items in this checklist.
or capital expenditures. “Regular                              9. Each Board member assigned a task will report to the
Revenues” includes revenue from resident services,             President and Board of their progress for monitoring
rental and lease payments, royalty payments and gifts          or completing their task. (Board members as assigned)
but not proceeds from loans.                                   10. A periodic Board meeting will be scheduled obtain
ACTION PLAN CHECKLIST                                          reports on status of assigned tasks and completion of
The following is an itemized checklist that should be          checklist items. This meeting will be used to communicate
utilized to detail the actions needed for the final, detailed  reports to all the Board members so adjustments may
planning for cessation of Home’s operations. The sitting       be made as warranted. (Board and Administrator)
President of the Masonic Home Board of Trustees has            11. Advise property manager for residential rentals to
oversight to monitor the fulfillment of the individual         terminate leases with residential tenants and have them
items in this checklist. This list is not all encompassing     vacate rentals prior to termination of utility services.
and as conditions require may be amended as needed.            (Administrator or President)
Each individual action step lists persons involved in          12. Final cessation of operations will occur when the
that step.                                                     Home is completely vacated, secured from intrusion and
1. Define the objective as required by meeting any             mothballed to prevent or mitigate future deterioration
trigger point. (Board of Trustees and Administrator)           or damage. Turn off the lights and terminate utility
2. Contact the Home’s legal counsel for help and advice        services. (Board and Administrator)
on preparing an up-to-date list of required actions            13. Advise Masonic Home Foundation on finalization
necessary to execute plan of cessation of operations.          of cessation so it may arrange for transfer of Auchard
(President and Administrator)                                  Trust funds to Grand Lodge of Montana and determine
3. With professional advice from outside persons               the disposition of other monies and investments
experienced in financial expectation for winding               according to its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and
down operations, determine the anticipated total               federal and state law. (President)
and incremental costs for executing this plan. There           14. Transfer legal title to all Home property and bank
is recognition that current and past financial cost            accounts to the Grand Lodge of Montana and assign
trends would not necessarily apply. (President and             agricultural leases. Cancel all insurance policies and
Administrator with counsel from Board would engage             notify Grand Lodge of cancellation. (President and
services of professional.)                                     Board)
4. After the costs are estimated to the extent possible,       15. Advise all agricultural lessees of Home property
prepare a pro forma as to revenues streams to meet the         that payments and inquiries be made to the Grand
anticipated costs. Notify Masonic Home Foundation              Lodge through the Grand Lodge Secretary or such
President and Board of execution of operation                  other person as the Grand Lodge may designate.
cessation plan. (Professional, Board and Administrator)        Advise Grand Lodge of weed mitigation requirements.
5. Prepare a detailed timetable for closure utilizing          (President or Administrator)
critical path method, and based upon the timetable give        16. Notify renters of storage units to make payments
advance notification to the residents, their responsible       to Grand Lodge Secretary or other person designated
family members and employees of the decision and               by Grand Lodge. (President or Administrator)
time table. Provide notice to Grand Master of decision         17.RecommendtoGrandLodgethatitarrangeforpersons
and plan. (Professional, Board and Administrator)              to oversee the security and preservation of the vacated
6. Work with residents and their family members for            property. Transfer keys to Grand Secretary. (Board)
identifying, coordinating and relocating residents to          18. Perform such other tasks for winding down as
other assisted living facilities. (Administrator)              required by the circumstances. (Board, Administrator
7. Develop pay plan to compensate designated and key           and designed persons by Grand Lodge)

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