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Montana Freemason  May 2015	                              Volume 91 Number 2

Financial and Census Overview                             Associates to provide the real estate property valuations
A cursory review of the financial statements since 2004,  of the various portions of the real estate owned by the
indicate that the combined restricted and unrestricted    Masonic Home Corporation.
assets of Masonic Home of Montana, Inc (MHM) and          Property Valuation provided by Realty 406
the Masonic Home Foundation (MHF) have been               Per the direction of the Grand Lodge of Montana and
reduced from over $6 Million in 2004 to approximately     under the authority of the Special Committee, the
$1.26 Million in 2014. The balances of the various        following report and summary are submitted for review
accounts are as follows:                                  of the Craft. The summary is current as of March 20,
 • Royal Bank of Canada Wealth Management                 2015 and is intended to be valid for approximately 90
    o Masonic Home of Montana Foundation                  Many of the expenses associated with these properties
      funds $605,710.00 as of Jan. 2015                   are absorbed in the Masonic Home’s operation.
                                                          Investment models used expenses generally associated
    o Knights Templar fund $6,321.05 as of Jan.           with the subject property reviewed. Supporting
      2015                                                documentation is available through the Grand Lodge
                                                          Secretary’s office for reference. This report assumes
    o Auchard Trust fund $662,746.95 as of Jan.           aggressively positioning the various properties for
      2015                                                sale in our local market to maximize returns while
                                                          minimizing the time to do so. The findings are offered
  • Gas/mineral leases income $4,852.53 in FY             as a range with the higher number being the assumed
     2014                                                 listing price, the lower being the base expectation. It is
                                                          likely that something closer to the middle would be a
  • Checking account totals as of April 20, 2015          reasonable expectation.
    o Big Valley Storage $9,558.88                        Big Valley Storage Units: $ 550,000 - $ 600,000
    o Restricted Use Account $55,146.04                    • The 98 unit self-storage facility is generally located
    o Masonic General Account $52,496.54                   on the North-East corner of a 406 acre parcel and
    o Residential Services $ 106.03                        more specifically located at Lincoln Road and
                                                           Collins Dr.
GAAP for Non-Profits recommend unrestricted                • The valuation assumes and recommends that the
operating reserves at a minimum of 3-6 months of the       storage area will be subdivided into its own 10 acre
annual expense budget.                                     +/- parcel, allowing for maximum value, future
Factors impacting the Masonic Home reserves between        flexibility and liquidity.
2004 and 2015 are as follows:                              • Since many of the operating costs are absorbed by
 • The transition of the operation of the Masonic          the Masonic Home, expenses generally attributable
 Home from a true charity (e.g., providing heavily         to this type of investment property were utilized in
 subsidized, if not free, residency to Masons and          this valuation.
 affiliates) to a business model (e.g., allowing non-      • Actual net operating income (NOI) may differ
 Mason related persons to reside at the Masonic            from assumption.
 Home and accepting Medicaid recipients).                  • The valuation reflects typical rates of return and
 • Extensive remodeling and updating of the facility.      other benchmarks generally sought by an investor.
 • A significantly “down” investment market adversely      • This facility appears to be a good investment
 impacting the Masonic Home Foundation’s return            providing a steady rate of return
 on investment.                                            • Estimated Capitalization Rate per assumptions:
 • By restructuring its operations, the Masonic Home       7.69% ( Industry expectation is 7-8% )
 has had eighteen consecutive months of positive cash      • Estimated annual net operating income (NOI) per
 flow (income exceeding expenses) for the first time in    assumptions: $ 46,139
 memory -- without requiring any additional monies        162 Acre Parcel: $ 700,000 - $ 850,000
 from the Masonic Home Foundation -- allowing the          • 162 acre parcel with central pivot irrigation (pivot
 Masonic Home to begin rebuilding its reserves.            not included), 2 bed 1 bath ranch house in average
At the time of this report, there are currently 34         condition for age, 2400 SF metal barn, pole lean to,
residents. Fewer than half (fourteen) of which are         3 stall garage, several outbuildings/barn in need of
Masonically affiliated as currently and broadly defined    repair.
as Master Masons, wife, and widows; a woman                • Gross rental income from house is $7,059 in 2014
member in good standing in an Eastern Star Chapter;        • Gross cropland lease based on $22/acre on 160
or a mother, mother-in-law, daughter, father-in-law,       acres is $3,520 in 2014
son, sister, brother or grandparent of a Master Mason      • Total gross income estimated at $10,579 in 2014
in good standing.
Masonic Home Property Valuation Summary
The Special Committee, to determine the market,
or sale, value of the Masonic Home’s real property
solicited the services of Bro. Steve Netschert of Realty
406 and Travis Brazill of Green and Green Realty

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