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Montana Freemason  May 2015	                                Volume 91 Number 2

In terms of an exit strategy and Resident transition,        the Masonic Home Foundation. On the northeastern
the following components shall be addressed but not          corner of the property are 98 storage units owned and
limited to:                                                  managed by the Home.
 • Resident/Family contact, education and                    • The agricultural leases generate approximately
                                                             $11,000 per year in income. The storage units bring in
    information                                              about $6,000 per month in income.
 • Counseling referrals as needed                            • There are two residential rental units on the property
 • Resident council education                                and together these bring in $1578 per month.
 • Advance notice of the exit plan as per Assisted           • The Home owns fractional interests in various
                                                             mineral rights in eastern Montana and western North
    Living regulatory guideline                              Dakota. The Home receives monthly royalties from
 • DPHHS/Licensure office notification                       the ones that have been leased.
 • Physician and Pharmacy notifications                      • The Auchard Trust investments are valued at
 • Ombudsman notification                                    approximately $660,800.
 • Office of Public Assistance/Medicaid Waiver               • The Home facility has significant personal property.

    office notification                                     MASONIC HOME of MONTANA
 • Notification of 3rd party services such as Home             SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT

    Health and Hospice and all local health care                           Frank Noble (64) Chairman
    facilities.                                             This Special Committee was appointed by Most
 • Coordination of and/or assistance with Resident          Worshipful Grand Master Donald S. Cerovski of the
    move out plans to include but not limited to:           Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Montana, and is charged
    contact with other facilities and tours, pre-           with its duties as per the following legislation.
    move in preparation, coordination of paper              LEGISLATION
    work, financial referrals for Medicaid or               Grand Masters Resolution No. R-2014-01(Amended):
    Medicaid Waiver as needed, packing and                  The Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Montana directs the
    transportation                                          Board of Trustees of the Masonic Home of Montana to
In terms of the occurrence of natural events such as fire   prepare a plan for an exit strategy for the closure of the
or other natural occurring disasters, which are beyond      Masonic Home within six months and to include what
the control of the Masonic Home, the facility would         assets should be sold, or kept, and what should be kept,
proceed to policy 2.13 and policy 2.14 for relocation       and how to properly shut down the Masonic Home.
and evacuation of Residents. Please refer to the attached
policies. In terms of Resident relocation/evacuation
that progresses to a more permanent situation as a
result of fire or other natural events that are beyond the
control of the facility, then the components as listed in
the exit strategy shall be utilized only in more urgent
fashion to expedite the emergent placement needs of
the Residents.

Also part of this Contingency Strategy for Masonic          The incoming Grand Master create a special committee
Home of Montana were the following, which have not          to find a means to utilize the remaining assets of the
been included with this magazine article but can be         Masonic Home, including the all the legal entities and
read in the Advance Proceedings:                            funds owned and controlled by the Home, and the
1. Masonic Home of Montana Policy and Procedures.           proceeds from the sale of the Home’s real property,
                                                            to provide charity to our needy brothers and family
   Number 2.13, DATE: July 1997, Evacuation Plans.          members in their local areas. This committee is
2. Masonic Home of Montana Policy and Procedures.           directed to report its findings and recommendations to
                                                            the Grand Lodge at the 2015 Annual Communication.
   Number 2.14, DATE: July 1997, Fire Safety.               This directive is issued under the authority granted to
MASONIC HOME ASSET SUMMARY                                  the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana in Paragraph
As a part of the contingency strategy that establishes      2 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Masonic Home
standards for execution of a plan for cessation of          of Montana. PASSED [June 28, 2014]
operations of the Masonic Home of Montana (“Home”),         Special Committee’s MISSION as directed by Grand
the Board of Trustees were to identify majors assets of     Master on January 30, 2015: To find a means to utilize
the Home. The major assets of the Montana Masonic           the remaining assets of the Masonic Home, including
Home generally consist of:                                  the (sic) all the legal entities and funds owned and
 • Land with improvements consisting of approximately       controlled by the Home, and proceeds from the sale
 590 acres. About 500 acres is under agricultural           of the Home’s real property, to provide charity to our
 grass or grazing leases. The land is encumbered by a       needy brothers and family members in their local areas.
 mortgage in the principal amount of $118,000 held by
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