Page 45 - MFM May 2015 C
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Montana Freemason  May 2015	                               Volume 91 Number 2

 • Valuation reflects sales in the immediate area since    potential users of a property of this nature. When
 January 2013 (3)                                          comparing like property sales the task was difficult
 • Given the historical income, the 2014 return on         as few properties in the area that have sold reflect the
 investment at the low value of $700,000 is 1.5%           size of the building and industry. The per square foot
 • This does not take into consideration any expenses      comparable sales value was reduced by 40% due to
 (taxes, insurance, repairs etc.)                          realizing one of the comparable sales had a substantial
406 Acre Parcel: $ 1,100,000 - $1,300,000                  effect on the overall square foot value that may not be
 • 406 acre parcel with approximately 276 acres            realistic for the subject property being valued.
 irrigated via wheel lines (not included)                  A review of the financial performance of the Masonic
 • Big Valley Storage is located in the North-East         Home has been provided. The lacking performance of
 corner. It is anticipated that a 10 acre parcel will be   the assisted living facility may have a substantial effect
 created so that the storage facility may stand alone,     on the actual sales price of the home compared to the
 maximizing value                                          estimated value. Based on RMA industry standards
 • Gross cropland lease based on $22/acre on 212.5         an assisted living facility with revenue between
 acres is $4,675 in 2014                                   $1,000,000.00 and $3,000,000.00 maintains an average
 • Gross pasture lease income based on $22/acre on         operating profit of 7.4% of sales. Based on a limited
 133 acres is $2926 in 2014                                income and expense analysis the Masonic Home had
 • Valuation reflects sales in the immediate area since    a net loss in 2011 of $399,193.00, a net loss in 2012 of
 January 2013 (3)                                          $497,244 and a net loss in 2013 of $604,316. Donations
 • Total gross income estimated at $7,601 in 2014          were added to the net loss total as the private market
 • Given the historical income, the 2014 return on         would not look at a donation as a revenue source. The
 investment at the low value of                            continued net loss compared to the industry average
 $1,100,000 is .69%                                        net operating profit as a percentage of sales establishes
 • This does not take into consideration any expenses      a dramatic income loss. In 2013 the difference between
 (taxes, insurance, repairs etc.)                          the net loss of $604,316 and an industry average profit
                                                           as a percentage of sales of 7.4% was $757,738.00.
             Property Valuation provided by                Based on the financial information provided above, the
           Green and Green Realty Associates               estimated asset value of $2,600,000.00 to $2,700,000.00
Subject: Market Valuation for [Masonic Home                could be difficult to finance based on prior performance
commercial property located at 2010 Masonic Home           of the assisted living facility. Therefore, an interested
Road, Helena, Montana.                                     purchaser would potentially lower its risk level by
Thank you for the opportunity to offer a price opinion     establishing a lower value on the property than what
for the property located at 2010 Masonic Home Road,        has been provided.
Helena, Montana. I am not a licensed appraiser but         Please note that no value was placed on the buildings
have extensive experience and specific training in         associated with the Masonic Home other than the main
the valuation process for commercial real estate. The      approximate 33,000 square foot facility. Although the
focus of this evaluation is on pricing the land and        garages, outbuildings and shops have a value, the
the building (not the business) to be competitive for      value is potentially limited. Please recognize that the
possible sale within a 12- to 24-month period.             boiler unit housed in a separate building is potentially
In my approach to this assignment I made adjustments       an increased expense for a potential buyer. Newer
for age, physical and functional obsolescence,             facilities have heat supply units constructed within the
evaluated the projected commercial rental income of        facility itself limiting associated expenses.
the property, estimated value of the property based        It is my opinion as a broker of commercial real estate a
on cost approach and estimated value based on a local      conservative marketing price would be: $2,600,000.00
market analysis of comparable sales.                       to $2,700,000.00

The existing structure appears to be in average condition  Outreach Program Study
for its age and type of use. With few comparable           As directed by GMR No. R-2014-01 (Amended) the
properties, the task was difficult and reflected in the    Special Committee is to find a means to utilize the
range of values from the various approaches to valuation   remaining assets of the Masonic Home received from
(replacement cost, actual income, and comparable           their sale to provide charity to our needy brothers
sales per square foot comparison) summarized in the        and family members in their local areas, within the
report. I made a substantial downward adjustment in        jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Montana.
estimated building value based on obsolescence. Using      The Special Committee has been in communication
the income approach the Net Operating Income was           with and has received oral information from the
adjusted by 25% to reflect the location and limited
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