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Montana Freemason                       May 2015	  Volume 91 Number 2

                   150th Anniversary Logo

                   In celebration of Freemasonry in Montana’s
                   Sesquicentennial, the 150th logo has been
                   designed by a very talented member of Bozeman
                   Lodge #18, Brother Wilson David Raska. Wilson
                   was born December 17th, 1984 in Great Falls,
                   MT. He attended K-12 at Belt Public Schools and
                   graduated Valedictorian. Brother Wilson earned a
                   BA from MSU in Media and Theatre Arts in 2007.
                   He is Co-Founder/Owner of A Thousand Arms
                   - Graphic Design and Screen-Printing. Visit the
                   website at
                   Brother Wilson recently became an active member
                   of Scottish Rite - Livingston Valley and Bozeman
                   York Rite Bodies.
                   Other activities include:
                   Big Brother of the Year (2013) with Big Brothers
                   Big Sisters
                   Volunteer with KGLT Alternative Radio
                   Active member of several band/musical endeavors
                   and art collectives

                   Many thanks to Brother Wilson.

Helena Lodge No. 3 Raises New Master Mason

                                                                                  L-R: Brother Patrick Hodgkiss; Sam Whitehead,
                                                                                  WM; Brother Tim Hodgkiss

                                                                          We had 23 Masons present when performing
                                                                          a third degree for Patrick Hodgkiss. His father
                                                                          came up from San Gabriel lodge #89 out of
                                                                          Grand Lodge of Texas, and brought him into
Tim Hodgkiss, Patrick Hodgkiss, Sam Whitehead, Jaime Borrego, the lodge as Senior Steward. What a great day!!
Everett Lynn, Fred Gray, Shawan Ratchford, Fred Benson, Dan
Gardiner, Mel Hamilton, Bill Pendergast, Reid Gardiner, Gene
Fenske, Paul Martello, Tom Gocksch, Gary Schmidt, John Morgan,
Bert Bouma, Blake Gardiner, Harry Obert.

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