Page 28 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 28

149th Annual Communication

                                                   Holiday Inn
                                      5 E Baxter Lane, Bozeman, MT

                                                  (406) 587-4561

                   (Block of Rooms under “Grand Lodge” - Block Room Rate - $124.00+ tax )


                                    Gran Tree Inn- Best Western Hotel
                                                 (406) 587-5261

                                       1325 N 7th Ave, Bozeman, MT

                   (Block of Rooms under “Grand Lodge” - Block Room Rate - $149.00+ tax)

                                    TENTATIVE AGENDA
                   (Full agenda will be available in the Session Program)

	 5:00 pm			                THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015
	 5:30 pm		                 Vesper Service – Holiday Inn
				               No Host Cocktails - Ball Room - Gran Tree

	 8:30am		              FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015
                   Public Grand Opening (Ladies Welcome) – Holiday Inn (Session Hotel)
	 10:00am		        Formal Opening of Grand Lodge, Tyled
	 10:30am		        Election of Grand Lodge Officers
         11:55am	  Grand Lodge Call from Labor to Refreshment
	 1:15pm	          			  Call to Order
                        DeMolay Degree Ceremony
                   Grand Lodge Refreshment to Labor
                   Electronic Voting Demonstration
                        Committee Reports
                   Reception of Montana Past Grand Masters
                        Reception of 50-Year Masons
                   Reception of Visiting Grand Lodge Officers
                   Grand Lodge Call from Labor to Refreshment
	 6:00pm				 No Host Fellowship – Gran Tree
	 7:00pm				 Master Masons Banquet - Gran Tree
                   Awards, Honors, Special Recognition & Guest Speaker

                                                    SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2015
	 9:00am					 Call to Labor -

                                                            Guest Speaker -

	 11:55am		 Grand Lodge Call from Labor to Refreshment
                                                Grand Lodge Refreshment to Labor
                                                 Finance Final Report with Budget

                                       Formal Closing of 149th Annual Communication
                                      Installation of Grand Lodge Officers for 2015 - 2016
Grand Lodge Officers Public Installation, followed by the Reception for the new Grand Master and Grand Lodge
  Officers will take place at the Gran Tree - Grand Ballroom. All Masons, ladies, families and friends are invited.

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