Page 232 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 232

219 The Cornelius Hedges Story

Joseph Kemp Toole, at age 18 arrived by steamboat at Fort Benton,
Montana in the spring of 1869. He traveled by stage to Helena,
continued studying the law, was admitted to the bar in 1871 and
entered into partnership with his brother, Edwin Warren Toole. At the
age of 21 he was elected district attorney of the Third Judicial District
and served from 1872-1876. Toole served as a member and president
of the Council of the 12th Legislative Assembly of the Territory of
Montana from 1881-1883 representing Lewis and Clark County. He
was elected a member of the constitutional convention of 1884. During
Toole’s term as delegate to the 49th Congress and 50th Congress of the
United States from March, 1885 through March, 1889, he spoke often
in favor of obtaining statehood for Montana. Toole declined a 3rd term
in Congress and became a member of the constitutional convention
of 1889, in which year he was also elected the state's first Governor.
After serving one term as governor, he resumed the practice of law. He
was reelected governor in 1901 and again in 1905, the last time being
nominated against his wishes. He retired April 1, 1908 on account of ill
health. Toole became a Master Mason on 11/9/1878 in Helena Lodge
No. 3 he served as Worshipful Master in 1882 and Grand Master of
Montana in 1889.
Marcus Daly, He came to the Montana Territory in 1876. He purchased
the Anaconda silver mine and tested the copper. Then, with the backing
of George Hearst and others, he quietly bought up neighboring mines
and formed a mining company. He built a smelter at Anaconda and
connected it by rail with Butte. He was so successful that Anaconda
became almost a household word in the United States. Daly purchased
coal mines to fuel his furnaces, bought forests to supply his timber, and
built power plants to supply the mines. He also established a number
of banks. Daly also established a newspaper, the Anaconda Standard.
Martin Maginnis, in 1864 he was commissioned major of the
11th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, transferred to the army of the
Cumberland, serving under Gen. Thomas until mustered out in 1865.
The following year he came to Montana and edited and published the
Helena Gazette, a political paper, through which means he was elected
to the 43rd congress in 1872, remaining in this office until 1885.
Maginnis was a member of Montana Lodge No. 2.
John Toole Kinna, born in New York. Place of departure for Montana,
Denver, Colorado; route traveled, across the plains; arrived at Virginia
City in 1864. Occupation, merchant. First mayor of Helena, 1880-
1. Kinna was a member of Helena Lodge No. 3 he became a Master
Mason in 1880.
William Chumasero, born in England in 1818. Departed from
Atchison, KS; route traveled, across the plains by stage; arrived at
Virginia City, May 3, 1864. Profession, lawyer.
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