Page 235 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 235

For This And Succeeding Generations  Gardiner 222

Henry Harmon Clark, from Massachusetts, went to the California
gold fields in 1850, In 1853, Henry returned to Massachusetts, moved
to Independence, Iowa, where he engaged in farming and stock raising.
In 1864, Clark traveled overland to Virginia City, Montana Territory,
with Cornelius Hedges and Timothy Wilcox. Hedges and Clark worked
for wages in the mines and later became partners in the operation of a
placer mining claim they had purchased. The partners moved to Helena's
Last Chance Gulch in 1865. After working for wages for a period of
time, Clark began farming in the Prickly Pear Valley near Helena. After
farming for eight years, Henry Clark bought the Prickly Pear House,
located in what is now the town of East Helena, and operated it as a
hotel, road house, and tavern. He continued to operate the farm on a
rental basis. Clark and a Mr. Riggs platted the townsite of East Helena
in 1888. Clark served as a county commissioner, a school trustee, and
East Helena's first postmaster.
John Toole Kinna, born in New York. Place of departure for Montana,
Denver, Colorado; route traveled, across the plains; arrived at Virginia
City in 1864. Occupation, merchant. First mayor of Helena, 1880-
1. Kinna was a member of Helena Lodge No. 3 he became a Master
Mason in 1880.
Malcolm Clarke, departed from Indiana for Montana, traveled, up
the Missouri River. Arrived at Little Prickly Pear Valley in 1864.
Occupation, farmer. Murdered by Indians, August 23rd, 1869.
Hugh Kirkendall, in 1835 departure for Montana from Leavenworth,
Kansas traveled across the plains, with government expedition under
Colonel Rollins, exploring headwaters of the Yellowstone River via the
Bozeman Route, came up the Missouri River to Fort Union in 1858.
Occupation, railroad contractor and stock raiser.
Anton M. Holter, from Norway came to the United States in 1854.
Departed for Montana from Iowa, traveled across the plains via Denver
and the Platte River; arrived at Virginia City, December 1st, 1863.
Occupation, merchant. Member Territorial Council, Eleventh and Extra
Sessions, 1879, and Member House of Representatives, First Session,
1889-90; Second Session, 1891, State Legislative Assembly. President
Society of Montana Pioneers, 1889-90. Treasurer, 1898. Holter became
a Master Mason on 12/17/1867 in Helena No. 3.
Samuel C. Gilpatrick, From Maine. Departed Wisconsin traveled
up the Missouri River; arrived at Virginia City in 1864. Occupation,
James King, from Canada, came to the United States in 1851. Departed
Illinois, traveled up the Missouri River; arrived at to Fort Benton in
September, 1862. Occupation, merchant and miner.
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