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The Hands of the Workmen

                                        Reid Gardiner, R.W. Past Grand Secretary, Editor

                                                                             of  a  special  grand  jury  investigation  of
                Cornelius B. Nolan                                           the alleged bribery of legislators. In 1910,
                 43  Grand Master                                            Nolan was elected to the Montana House
                      1908-1909                                              of  Representatives  and  served  one  term.
                                                                             While  County Attorney,  Nolan  began  to
          Cornelius B. Nolan was born December                               build  a  private  law  practice  that  would
        24, 1855, in County Limerick, Ireland. He                            eventually become an extensive civil and
        was educated in Dublin. In the fall of 1873,                         criminal practice. Initially, he worked with
        at  seventeen,  Nolan  immigrated  to  the                           John  Bean  and  then,  between  1901  and
        United  States.  Nolan  settled  in  Oswego,                         1904, he was a partner with attorney Albert
        New  York,  where  he  worked  as  a  day                            I. Loeb. In 1906, he formed a partnership
        laborer with a railroad section crew while                           with  Senator  Thomas  J.  Walsh,  which
        pursuing his studies at Oswego Academy.                              expanded to include William Scallon.
        In 1877, Nolan moved to Port Allegheny,
        Pennsylvania, and worked in a tannery for                              Brother  Nolan  once  appeared  in  a
        two years. A year later, he went to St. Louis,                       lawsuit  in  the  Admiralty  Court  in  New
        Missouri, to visit his brother, Thomas. He                           York, where he displayed such an intimate
        remained  there  fi ve  years  studying  law                          knowledge  of  nautical  terms  that  the
        in  Roger  Foster's  law  offi  ce  and  at  the  St.  Louis  Law  Judge after the trail remarked, commenting on the fact
        School. In 1884, he was admitted to the practice of law  that it was more surprising because his adopted home in
        in the Missouri courts. After a brief period working as a  Montana was so far distant from the sea. Brother Nolan
        stenographer for an agricultural house in Chicago.     retorted, "Did your Honor suppose that I came over in a
          Brother  Nolan  was  initiated  in  Hesperia  Lodge  No.
        411,  on  July  15,  1885,  passed  August  10,  1885,  and   In addition to his law work, Nolan invested in mining
        raised  September  2,  1885.  In  1886,  he  received  the  and real estate, acquiring ranch properties in Broadwater,
        York Rite degrees in Chicago. He affi  liated with Helena  Park,  and  Wheatland  counties.  He  was  also  an  active
        Lodge  No.  3,  Helena,  Montana  on April  20,  1889;  he  participant in many organizations. He served, with the
        also  affi  liated  with  Helena  Commandery  No.  2,  and  rank  of  colonel,  on  General  Toole's  staff   in  the  state
        joined Alegria Shire Temple where he became Potentate  militia.
        in 1890. He was also a member of Miriam Chapter No.
        1,  OES  and  served  as  Patron  for  three  terms.  He  was   In  1894,  Nolan  married  Harriet  Shober.  Harriet,  the
        elected  Worshipful  Master  of  Helena  Lodge  No.  3  in  niece of Helena attorney John H. Shober, Sr., a native
        1892, and in 1806 he was chosen Senior Grand Warden  of  Dodge  County,  Minnesota.  During  the  1870s  and
        and was elected Grand Master of Masons in Montana in  1880s,  she  had  taught  in  the  public  schools  of  Adair
        September of 1908. He was a gifted public speaker, and  County, Iowa. In 1887, she moved to Helena, Montana,
        his presence an inspiration and delight to his brethren.  to live with her uncle. After her marriage to Cornelius
        He was known to be a prodigious worker, of irrepressible  Nolan, she became active in Helena community projects,
        good humor, a profound scholar and thinker, a peerless  Democratic Party politics, and the work of the American
        orator. He also attained the foremost rank in the state at  Red Cross.
        the Bar and in Masonry.
                                                                 Cornelius Nolan died in Butte on June 24, 1922, and his
           Nolan moved to Montana to become private secretary  wife Harriet died seven years later, August 23, 1929, at
        to  the  general  manager  of  the  freight  and  passenger  Lake McDonald. They are buried at Forestvale Cemetery,
        service of the Northern Pacifi c Railroad. However, not  Helena, Montana.
        long after his arrival in Montana, he resigned his railroad
        position  to  become  offi  cial  court  reporter  for  the  First
        Judicial District of Montana, which included Lewis and
        Clark,  Jeff erson,  and  Beaverhead  counties.  Reporting
        for  Judges  N.W.  McConnell  and  Henry  L.  Blake,
        Nolan received training which was of great value in his
        subsequent career. Nolan was elected County Attorney
        of  Lewis  and  Clark  County  in  1889.  Chosen  on  the
        Democratic ticket, he held the position by re-election for
        fi ve years. In 1896, he was elected Attorney General of
        Montana. During this four-year term, Nolan took charge
         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 5
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