Page 10 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
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Figure 7. The combined losses by Death, Suspended Non-payment of dues, Expelled, Suspended, Dimit by year 1866-2016.
          We have been losing membership at an alarming rate since 1970. One of our Past Grand Masters put it this
        way, "On so many levels we are like an Ostrich wondering what happened. Burying our heads in the sand is not
        the answer and if we continue to insist on doing nothing the steady decrease will rapidly increase."

          In the book "Freemasonry In Context; History, Ritual , Controversy" Edited by Arturo de Hoyos and S. Brent
        Morris is the following which helps to articulate our membership loss.

          "While we might fi nd it easy to attribute our current situation to any number of causes, the facts are clear - we
        have fewer new members, and our ability to retain their interest has decreased. This, in turn, results in an aging
        membership and an increase in deaths as a percentage of membership. Many researchers have hunted for the
        causes of the decline in civic activity and failed to fi nd convincing one that can be substantiated. We should
        beware of simplistic answers to a problem that clearly is not simple."

         Figure 8. Losses by categoy of Death, Suspended Non-payment of dues, Expelled, Suspended, Dimit by year 1866-2016.
          As we lose membership, we are losing our fi nancial base. As our loss of members continues our Lodges and
        our Grand Lodge will be in peril or even lost. Who will pay the overhead costs to keep the buildings going
        if there are no Masons? Unfortunately, once we close a lodge in any community or, lose a building and or
        historical artifact or a Masonic monument we will not get them back.
         Page 10                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                               January 2019
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