Page 13 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 13

Figure 13. Members Suspended for Un-Masonic Conduct 1866-2016.
          Chart 13, above shows that we have not really had an overabundance of membership suspensions, a small
        spike up in 1872, 1926, 1965, 1974, 2000 and in 2000. The majority of Suspensions for Un-Masonic Conduct
        occurred between 1866 and 1950. This Section covers Suspension for Un-Masonic Conduct. The following
        breaches of faith or acts wrong in themselves constitute Un-Masonic conduct: Any violation before or after
        initiation, of the criminal laws of the United States or of any other governmental entity involving acts wrong
        in themselves; acts committed against a brother Mason, or the wife, or child, or widow of such a brother; acts
        committed against his lodge or the Master; acts committed by a Mason against Grand Lodge or the Grand
        Master; Acts or actions in breach of the obligations of the degrees; The use of the Masonic name or emblems
        for other than legitimate Masonic purposes.

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             ϭϴϲϲ  ϭϴϲϵ  ϭϴϳϮ  ϭϴϳϱ  ϭϴϳϴ  ϭϴϴϭ  ϭϴϴϰ  ϭϴϴϳ  ϭϴϵϬ  ϭϴϵϯ  ϭϴϵϲ  ϭϴϵϵ  ϭϵϬϮ  ϭϵϬϱ  ϭϵϬϴ  ϭϵϭϭ  ϭϵϭϰ  ϭϵϭϳ  ϭϵϮϬ  ϭϵϮϯ  ϭϵϮϲ  ϭϵϮϵ  ϭϵϯϮ  ϭϵϯϱ  ϭϵϯϴ  ϭϵϰϭ  ϭϵϰϰ  ϭϵϰϳ  ϭϵϱϬ  ϭϵϱϯ  ϭϵϱϲ  ϭϵϱϵ  ϭϵϲϮ  ϭϵϲϱ  ϭϵϲϴ  ϭϵϳϭ  ϭϵϳϰ  ϭϵϳϳ  ϭϵϴϬ  ϭϵϴϯ  ϭϵϴϲ  ϭϵϴϵ  ϭϵϵϮ  ϭϵϵϱ  ϭϵϵϴ  ϮϬϬϭ  ϮϬϬϰ  ϮϬϬϳ  ϮϬϭϬ  ϮϬϭϯ  ϮϬϭϲ

         Figure 14. Members Expelled 1866-2016.
          Chart 14, above shows the number of members expelled by year. The vast majority of Expulsions occurred
        between 1866 and 1929. Since that time the number of suspensions has been reduced to a trickle.  And of
        course, the total number is actually very small.
          Any Mason who violates the Ancient Landmarks of the Order, the Constitution or Statutes of Grand Lodge,
        the by-laws of his lodge, or any Mason who violates any portion of the moral law, thereby committing a
        Masonic off ense, may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled.

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 13
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