Page 16 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 16

Summary                          leaders at the helm of what should be one the most
                       Whither Are We Drifting                 seaworthy crafts of state, such as this Grand Lodge.
            A Historical & Statistical Look at Membership      Here is the fi rst course correction that is needed.

          We need a course correction, and we will start with    Many of our Lodges have been at their individual
        just a short review, but remember this is not a plan or  crisis point for some time, and no magic program has
        program instead just as a suggestion of how a course  helped, and no new members have parachuted in. We
        correction can start. It is no longer of why or how we  must stop doing the things that have been proven time
        got to this point but can we fi nd our way back. We as  after time and year after year don't work. In reviewing
        Masons and Lodge members and Offi  cers and Grand  past  issues  of  the  Montana  Masonic  News  from  the
        Lodge Offi  cers need to realize that we are at the crisis  1920s  forward,  and  I  was  amazed  at  the  number  of
        point.                                                 times some Committee or new Grand Master would
                                                               present an idea a new program or plan that will make
          "Beware, however, of imagining that the future can   every  Lodge  better,  stronger  faster  and  have  more
        be realized without eff ort and sacrifi ce or by merely   members.  Or  a  borrowed  program,  plan  or  concept
        meditating upon the glories of the past. The future can   from another jurisdiction that all met the same fate,
        be yours if you give yourselves vigorously to the work   they simply did not and do not work. On this subject,
        of the future."                                        I agree with Brother and Dr. Jim Curtis when he said:
                               S. H. Middleton, Grand Master of Alberta   "Brothers we don't need your fancy plans we need you
                                                               to help our Lodges." Indeed we do need to help our
          A  course  correction  is  not  limited  to  boating,  the   Lodges, and anything that is done should be where the
        idea  of  adapting  to  failure,  overcoming  unexpected   rubber hits the road, and whatever we do should be
        obstacles  and  plotting  a  new  course  for  your    for the betterment of the Mason in his Lodge. This is
        organizations, strategy or approach as an integral part   another correction to our course.
        of its operation. There is more than one way to arrive
        at where you want to go, but sometimes you need to       Another course correction that is needed - Smaller
        adapt  your  strategy  and  plot  a  new  course  because   districts probably no more than 6 or 7 Lodges or as
        of changes in conditions around you. Sometimes its     close that number as is possible. The District Offi  cer
        not possible to steer the ideal course it may take an   is the fi rst line of assistance from Grand Lodge. They
        honest  assessment  allow  for  deviation  and  variation   need to be in constant contact with the assigned Lodges
        and any leeway and chart a new heading. Much like      participating, helping and assisting in all aspect of the
        a  maritime  organization  might  do  by  investigating   Lodge.
        and  evaluating  or  measurement  and  holding  offi  cers
        and members accountable, provide the right resources     Another  course  correction  -  For  the  majority  of
        and apply training, embrace technology, and actually  our  history  in  Montana,  we  have  had  tried  and  true
        learning  from  mistakes  applying  the  best  practices.  professionals,  businessmen,  attorneys,  doctors  and
        And hopefully, we as Masons and Grand Lodge can  artisans and those who owned and operated successful
        make  the  essential  course  corrections  and  keep  us  farms  and  ranches,  Brothers  who  were  well  trained
        sustainable and viable. Or else end up with someone  successful leaders. In recent years and even now we
        asking "Whose Boat is This Boat."                      have many Lodge and Grand Lodge Offi  cers who state
                                                               that they did not receive any training and they don't
          It  often  seems  that  Masonry  has  had  those  in   know what to do. Too many offi  cers do not understand
        positions of leadership who would lead by the premise   the  basics  of  business  some  are  afraid  of  seen  as
        that "if wishing could make things happen, then we     failing. We need to fi ll leadership positions with those
        would have all the members we want."                   who have more training and business experience. For
                                                               our fi rst 90 years or so our Grand Lodge Line Offi  cers
              If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
           If turnips were watches, I'd wear one by my side.   were able leaders, but like other areas of decline,  we
                                                               have work to do here as well. Being a Grand Lodge
               If "if's" and "and's" were pots and pans,       Offi  cer should not be a training ground,  we need those
                There'd be no work for tinkers' hands.
                                                               who can hit the ground running.
          Not long ago a Grand Master said: "If it's not broke,
        don't fi x it." The problem is he was not minding the     Another  possible  course  correction  -  There  are
        helm  enough  to  know  it  is  broke.  If  he  was  being   some in this Grand Lodge who believe that we need
        responsible  and  in  command  of  the  vessel  (Grand   to  have  some  form  of  nominations  for  the  offi  ce  of
        Lodge)  he  would  have  known  that  a  mid-course    Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary. However, this
        correction was needed. We need trained, disciplined    thinking is fl awed and does not take into consideration
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