Page 19 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 19

Brothers of the Mystic Tie - Libby Lodge No. 85
                                Demonstrating Fraternal Brotherhood

          In the course of time and events, Libby Lodge No.  standard and a goal to be aspired  to by other Lodges
        85,  had  made  the  hard  decision  to  surrender  their  who may fi nd themselves in the sad position of having
        Charter.  It  is  well  documented  that  they  tried,  they  to surrender their Lodge Charter.
        owned their building, they had funds,  and they had
        a few dedicated members. Libby Lodge No. 85 was          There  are  of  course  other  lodges  who  do  not  feel
        Chartered  on  September  19,  1912.  However,  in  this  that they should support the fraternity by sending their
        small rural community of 2,691 (making it the 28th  assets  to  Grand  Lodge.  Some  feel  that  they  would
        largest city in the state), with an employment rate of  rather give assets to the local community. Of course
        40.2%., they were having a hard time obtaining enough  in most cases when a lodge surrenders its Charter, at
        new members to keep them viable.                       least in Montana, its because they aren't getting any
                                                               new members which translates to the community not
          Those Brothers took the time and said, “We know  supporting one of their own. Libby Lodge loved their
        we’re going to close, we’re not able to operate in the  community  just  as  much  as  members  of  Lodges  in
        future, but we think something we can do will benefi t  other communities but, they also knew that the support
        all  the  Masons  throughout  the  state.  After  many  for new members wasn't there. The members of Libby
        discussions in Lodge, and with their District Offi  cer  Lodge No. 85 had a clear recognition of their higher
        and the Grand Secretary. The Lodge started the process  obligations as a fraternal institution, a member of the
        of closing and surrendering their Charter. In the years  Masonic  family,  a  society  of  friends  and  brothers.
        since its founding, many organizations have benefi ted  They saw that the greatest impact and most signifi cant
        from the charity of the Libby Lodge, before closing  thing  they  could  do  was  demonstrate  their  care  and
        the Lodge just as they had done for many years they  love for our fraternity by making this gift. Their Lodge
        made a couple small donations to local organizations.  had helped make Libby better and stronger, this gift
                                                               from their members has done the same for all Masons
          The members of Libby Lodge wanted the remainder      in Montana.
        of their assets to go to Grand Lodge. It was their desire
        that their funds, about $36,000 or so, would help all     To the members of Libby Lodge - Thank You!
        of the Masons in Montana, and it was decided Lodge
        that the best way to help every Mason in the state, was
        to try to off set per capita by the use their funds. That
        simple act means we’re probably not going to go up
        for a few more years after this. That is a very selfl ess
        aim on the part of a few brothers who no longer have a
        lodge. They’re still Masons, because they’re going to
        join another lodge, but that lodge will no longer exist.

          Libby Lodge also held a $20,000 note they had made
        to help another fraternal organization in Libby, the Odd
        Fellows Lodge. There’s about $16,000 remaining on
        that note, Libby Lodge wanted that note, the monthly
        payments from the Odd Fellows, to go to Grand Lodge
        specifi cally to help pay for a clerical assistant for our
        Grand  Secretary,  Daniel  Gardiner.  They  knew  that
        he’s very busy and really needed the help. They had
        commented that the Grand Secretaries over the years
        all had all been very helpful and supportive of their
          These  selfl ess  brothers  have  by  their  actions
        demonstrated  in  great  measure  the  meaning  of  the
        mystic  tie  that  binds  us  in  brotherhood.  They  set  a

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 19
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