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great many of them have passed to the realm beyond  such a ring, fashioned by direction of Most Worshipful
        this life; and in the upbuilding of this commonwealth,  Brother Samuel Word, who stood in 1886 in the East
        in  the  establishment  of  those  institutions  that  speak  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  where  you  and  I  stand  today.
        so  eloquently  of  its  development  and  advancement,  In 1887 he placed it upon the hand of his successor,
        many,  sir,  of  those  men  once  in  possession  of  this  Grand Master J. W. Hathaway, and in an address that
        ring, have contributed largely and signally. It shall be  brought tears to the eyes of every member of the Grand
        my pleasure, it shall be my aim, and it shall be my  Lodge  present,  enjoined  that  every  Grand  Master  in
        ambition simply to walk in the footsteps of those men,  the future should possess it for the span of his term in
        not perhaps in the rendition of signal services, because  offi  ce, as an emblem of the kindly leadership exercised
        for that I appreciate my incompetency, but to imitate  by him as chief among equals. In accordance with that
        their eminent virtues; and if I do that, I can with the  precedent of nearly two score years ago, it has been
        same assurance that you have given new now, transmit  worn, never dishonored, never tarnished by a single
        to my successor this valuable ring. I shall accept it in  member of that long, long line of gracious, kindly men
        that spirit, and, permeated with that purpose and that  (thirty-three Grand Masters). Many of those illustrious
        desire, it shall be my aim and my object to regulate  Brethren,  Brother  Spotswood,  have  passed  into  the
        my  conduct  during  the  years  of  my  incumbency  in  presence of the Supreme Grand Master, in the Grand
        this offi  ce, that I shall be able to say that, at least so  Lodge on High; a little group, the greater number of
        far as my ability is concerned, this ring will not have  those who have worn the symbol, await with calmest
        suff ered pollution in my hands."                       confi dence, the summons of the Junior Warden, calling
                                                               them forever from labor to refreshment.
          M.W.P.G.M.  Henry  C.  Smith  stated  the  following   As  Masons,  convinced  beyond  the  cavil  of  the
        as he passed the Grand Masters ring to Grand Master  continuance of the personality of man throughout the
        Claude McAllister.                                     endless  cycles  of  eternity,  may  we  not  borrow  from
          "In  granting  you  the  temporary  possession  of  this  the world-old philosophy of Solomon the King, and
        historic  ring,  it  is  not  necessary  for  me  to  go  into  believe that those sainted predecessors of yours and
        the details of its signifi cance and history, which are  mine, are looking down upon us, keenly desirous for
        too well understood to need repeating. This emblem  the perpetuation of the pure principles of Freemasonry,
        is  placed  into  your  keeping  with  the  full  assurance  and  that  with  the  transfer  of  this  sacred  talisman  to
        that  you  will  be  remiss  in  no  eff ort  necessary  for  your  fi nger,  there  passes  to  you  the  silent,  unseen
        the carrying out the high purposes of the donor to a  guardianship of those who served the Craft in earlier
        glorious consummation.                                 years, to aid and comfort and support you, to give you
          There is almost no limit to what you can achieve if  greater store of wisdom, patience and Fraternal love,
        you govern your actions and make all your exertions  upon which you may draw to the utmost during this,
        contribute to the fulfi llment of the great purposes of  the most important year of your Masonic life, which
        life as laid down in the principles of our beloved Order. dawns today."
          Let  our  aim  be  high,  and  resolve  that  when  you
        pass this ring on to your successor, you may have the    At the close of the Annual Communication in 1927,
        proud consciousness that no one has ever worn it more  Past  Grand  Master  James  Charteris  presented  the
        worthily  and  that  you  have  kept  faith  with  the  fi ne  new Grand Master William Marshall saying:  "I don't
        traditions that the wearer must pass it on untarnished  think the donor of this ring intended it should be worn
        to his successor."                                     merely as an ornament, nor do I think that he intended
                                                               it should be worn as kings or princes wore their signet
          In 1925, M.W.P.G.M. Hart expressed his feelings of  rings  as  emblems  of  royal  dignity  or  of  a  despotic
        the Signet Ring it this way:                           power over their fellowman, nor as an emblem of any
          “Brother  Spotswood,  for  scores  of  centuries  the  supernatural power exerting an infl uence for good or
        leaders of mankind have worn upon their hands a ring,  evil.
        in token of their leadership or fi rst among equals and   To me, the principal idea of the ring is the lion's paw.
        power  over  the  circles  and  chains  of  their  fellows.  The lion has always been regarded as the strongest of
        Picturesque Oriental legend abounds with tales of the  beasts, but his power has nearly always been looked
        ring  of  Solomon,  reputed  fi rst  Grand  Master  of  this  upon as a destructive power. Masonry, however, has
        great Fraternity in whose service we are met today. It  seen fi t to use the lion's paw as an emblem of that power
        has been said that power and wisdom fl owed to him by  with which we raise a fallen brother. It is an emblem
        virtue of that ring, from countless unseen guides and  of the power which each one of us has to reach out a
        teachers in the world of spirit. For thirty-eight years  helping hand to a wayward brother, to reach out and
        the Grand Masters of Masons in Montana have worn  give comfort and support to the widow and the orphan,
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