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l      to stoop down and raise a fallen brother as we have all   In Montana, one of the last items he receives is the
 t      been raised and endeavor to support him in the true  Grand Masters Signet Ring, as a reminder to himself
        and narrow path. As such an emblem and with such a  of the commitment he has made as an individual to the
 ,      lesson I present this ring to you, my successor."      Craft, to Masonry and the G.A.O.T.U.
 d        In  1933,  Past  Grand  Master  Morris  Rowland        The  Lion's  Paw  Ring  made  of  gold  taken  from
 n      presented the ring to Grand Master E .L. Marvin this  the  sands  of Alder  Gulch  to  serve  as  a  reminder  of
 n      way:                                                   where Masonic light fi rst illuminated in the Territory
 d        "Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  Samuel  Word,  of  Montana,  and  to  symbolize  the  nature  of  the
 t      pioneer  of  Montana,  associated  with  the  earliest  covenant  the  new  Grand  Master  had  entered  upon.
 n      struggles between law and lawlessness in the Territory  That it should be a constant reminder to its wearer of
 e      of Montana, on becoming Grand Master of this Grand  the  never-ending  duties  devolving  upon  him,  in  the
 n      Lodge of Masons in Montana, appreciating the high  execution of which he must rely on the Lion of the
 s      honor held by him, determined upon some visible token  Tribe of Judah for guidance and direction. A prompt to
 e      to be transmitted to his, and in turn each succeeding  him not exercise his duties and offi  ce with forbearance
 d      successor in the offi  ce of Grand Master.               and moderation, fortitude and prudence, temperance
 f        Nothing more appropriate could have been selected  and justice, to know his constitutional limitations. The
 t      by him than the valuable metal which fi rst attracted  Lion's  Paw  Ring  should  remind  the  wearer  to  keep
 g      men to our boundaries; so from the gulches teeming  his individual actions circumscribed by the tenets of
        with golden grains he took tribute and had a cunning  Freemasonry. The Grand Masters ring symbolizes the
 e      worker  in  metals  transform  it  into  a  ring  with  the  power entrusted to him, the presence of the ring on his
 e      symbol of the strength of the Lion of the tribe of Judah  fi nger reminding him to regulate his conduct and every
 m      etched  into  it,  and  invested  his  successor  as  Grand  time he looks at the Lion's Paw Ring to remember that
 d      Master with this symbolic token, with the admonition  as Grand Master he is a servant-leader and accountable
 d      that when placed on the fi nger of his successor it would  to the Craft.
 r      show no tarnish coming from the hands of the wearer."
 ,                                                               In reviewing the Proceedings from 1866 through the
 o        Initially and in the early years of our  Grand Lodge  mid-1930s, we see that a great deal of attention was
 n      history, there was a tremendous amount of value and  given to the presentation of the Signet Ring and that it
 r      importance placed upon the passing of the Signet Ring.  was perhaps the central point of the installation. The
 u                                                             outgoing Grand Masters most who were in white collar
 ,        During  the  installation  when  the  Grand  Master  professions were quite eloquent in the presentation and
 ,      gives his Oath of Offi  ce he is giving a public promise   attaching value and signifi cance to passing on the ring.
 h      "I  ______,  solemnly  promise,  in  the  presence  of
        Almighty  God  and  of  this  Grand  Lodge  of Ancient    Sadly, in later years the Proceedings reveal more of
        Free  and Accepted  Masons  of  Montana,  that  I  will,  a casual approach and a minimal presentation of the
 ,      to  the  best  of  my  ability,  faithfully  and  impartially,  Lion's Paw Ring, the names of the past Grand Masters
 e      perform all of the duties incumbent upon my offi  ce;  no  longer  spoken  and  reduced  to  being  printed  in  a
 t      that  I  will  conform  to  the  constitution,  laws,  rules,  brochure that none reads. Many of the Grand Masters
 n      and regulations of this Grand Lodge; and that I will  never wore the ring or did so on limited occasions. Like
 d      enforce a strict obedience to the same, from all subject  many things over the last 50 or 60 years, things that
 t      to my authority. All this I do promise, God being my  were once considered of great value and importance
 c      help."  This  is an expression of the new Grand Masters  has been diminished. The focus now seems to center
 y      promise to the Craft made before the G.A.O.T.U.        more on the elevation of the man over the Craft, rather
 r                                                             than  a  celebration  of  a  servant  leader  who  would
          The newly installed Grand Master is presented the  exercise  stewardship  over  the  fraternity.  And  so  it
        apron of the Grand Master (although in Montana he  goes, to rule well is still the fortune of but a few.
 f      actually receives a Past Grand Masters Apron) and the
 d      collar with the purple of the fraternity and jewel of the
 s      Grand Master of Montana. These are a visible sign  to
 r      the Craft that he is the Grand Master. He also receives
 m      the  Gavel,  as  an  additional  symbol  of  his  rank  and
 a      authority. And he is also presented with his hat, which
 d      is his alone to wear in Grand Lodge.
         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 23
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