Page 24 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 24

The Builders
                                                  The Builders

                                    Bishop Herbert H.H. Fox, Grand Chaplain
                                    Bishop Herbert H.H. Fox, Grand Chaplain

          My brothers, we are gathered together here as the  strength  and  endurance  of  the  structure.  Sham  and
        Grand Lodge of an Order that represents in symbolic  pretense  are  not  tolerated.  Every  stone  has  its  work
        form the ancient crafts whose vocation it was to build.  to do. The whole is held together by the strength that
        There  is  little  doubt  that  the  Masonic  Order  is  the  every  part  supplieth.  The  reason  why  many  of  the
        descendant of the trade guilds of ancient times. The  buildings erected by our ancient brethren still stand is
        building of these guilds was of various sorts various  because they were erected on honor and in integrity.
        sorts  and  kinds.  It  might  have  been  the  building  of  Even where time has destroyed the perishable parts,
        delicate  and  beautiful  works  in  gold  and  silver  and  the walls and foundations stand as a mute testimony to
        precious  stones.  It  might  have  been  the  buildings  the workmanship of our ancient craft brethren.
        the  building  of  books  in  magnifi cent  bindings  and
        illuminated pages whose workmanship has never been       Masonry  no  longer  has  anything  to  do  with  the
        surpassed. It might have been the building of stately  building of material structures, except when a lodge
        temples,  whose  soaring  towers  and  tapering  arches  may have a temple built for its use, or a Grand Lodge
        direct  the  mind  of  man  to  the  worship  of Almighty  may offi  cially lay the cornerstone of some great public
        God.  One  thing  we  know  of  the  workmanship  of  building.  To  use  the  Masonic  words  describing  this
        those old trade guilds. Their work was always done  change, “our ancient brethren were operative Masons,
        in a masterly manner and the worker was not ashamed  but we work in speculative only.”
        to put his name and mark on what he had done. The
        Hallmark,  the  signifi cance  of  which  has  been  lost,   The  modern  Order  of  Masons  which  we  represent
        but  which  is  still  found  on  the  silver  we  use  at  our  here today has taken the standards of our ancient craft
        tables, is a relic of the time when a Master gold or  brethren and made them symbolic of human life and
        silversmith must bring his piece to the gold or silver  character.  Our  Speculative  and  Symbolic  Order  has
        smith hall to be examined by the trade to determine  taken  the  temples  built  in  glory  and  beauty  by  our
        whether is measured up to the standard of excellence  ancient brethren and has said to them “These temples
        of a master gold and silversmith if it was according to  that  you  have  made  are  glorious  and  beautiful,  but
        that standard, the mark was placed upon it. It was the  the  real  temples  of  God  are  human  hearts.  “Ye  are
        mark of excellence.                                    the temple of the living God, and the Spirit of God
                                                               dwelleth in you.” It is in the building of that temple
            The  same  was  true  in  the  guilds  of  the  time.  that modern Masonry labors. It is signifi cant that while
        Inferiority in workmanship was not tolerated by the  in all the degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry the attention
        guilds out of which Masonry has sprung. A man could  of the initiate is directed to tools and parts of buildings
        not gain admission to the Guild until he had shown  drawing  from  them  helpful  moral  lessons,  the  fi rst
        himself a master of the craft. The long apprenticeships  degree  has  more  to  say  about  God  and  God’s  word
        of  those  days  made  for  perfection  in  workmanship.   and the Cardinal and other Virtues together with the
        Seven  years  were  not  looked  upon  as  too  much  for  tenets of Masonry which are the foundation of human
        a man to spend in mastering the trade. When I was  character than any of the other degrees. It would seem
        a young man, I had to serve four years to learn the  as  though  in  this  way  at  the  very  threshold  of  the
        trade of a pattern-maker. Today an apprenticeship is  Masonic Edifi ce the mind of the Candidate is turned to
        almost  unheard  of.  Whatever  was  built  in  the  days  the real purpose of Masonry.
        of our ancient craft brethren was built according to a
        standard of excellence that knew no inferiority either    Throughout the ages, Humanity has been building.
        in design or workmanship.                              And  what  superb  achievements  we  see,  before  us.
                                                               Sometimes  in  our  pride,  we  arrogate  to  ourselves
            When it came to the buildings of our ancient craft  the wonderful progress of our race. We point to the
        Masons,  every  stone  and  every  beam  represented  acquisitions of our times and without much thought lay
        character and skill. In the highest type of architecture,  the credit to the men of our day. No age has been so rich
        no  part  of  the  building  is  without  purpose  in  the  in invention and discovery as the in which we are now
        completed  whole.  It  might  ultimately  be  decorated  living. In the life of anyone who has passed the half-
        and  beautifi ed,  but  its  presence  was  essential  to  the  century mark many of the most effi  cient servants of our
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