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P. 20

The Lion's Paw Ring
                                             The Lion's Paw Ring
                                                   Reid Gardiner, Editor
                                                   Reid Gardiner, Editor
            Samuel Word was originally from Kentucky  y                In  reading  through  past  proceedings  of  the
        and had moved to Missouri, in 1853 he had                      Grand Lodge, we are able to understand better G
        become a member of the bar in Missouri. In                     the signifi cance and importance felt by retiring
        May of 1863 and joined a wagon train for                       Grand  Masters  as  they  presented  the  Lion's
        Virginia City in the Montana Territory, and                    Paw Ring to their successor.
        became one of the fi rst attorneys to practice
        law there. Like many of those who came west                     In 1889, Past Grand Master Arthur C. Logan
        at that time he was civic minded and sought  t                presented  the  Signet  Ring  to  M.  W.  Brother p
        to build a better life and a safe community, he              John Anderson this way:
        was a Trustee for the fi rst School District and helped   “Following  the  instructions  from  my  predecessor
        in the organizing of the Episcopal Church in Virginia  PGM Hathaway, who directed me to guard it well and
        City, and was a member of the Virginia City Militia  transmit it to my successor. You are doubtless familiar
        Company. He served several terms with the Territorial  with its history and signifi cance. It is a ring of pure
        Legislature and was elected Speaker of the House in  gold,  an  emblem  of  trust,  upon  which  is  engraved
        the  11th  Session.  Samuel  Word  was  Senior  Deacon  a lion’s paw, typical of strength, a fi tting symbol of
        of Montana Lodge U.D., in January of 1866 and was  the noble order that has honored you by calling you
        present at the organization of the Grand Lodge. Of the  to preside over it. The ring has, in all ages, has been
        members present at the formation of the Grand Lodge,  regarded as symbolizing the lasting nature and stability
        he was one of the fi ve who later would become Grand  of compacts entered upon.”
        Master.  Word  was  elected  as  Worshipful  Master  of
        Montana No. 2 in1879 and also became Junior Grand        In  1902,  Retiring  Grand  Master  Slack  approached
        Warden; he later served as Senior Grand Warden and  the new Grand Master H. S.  Hepner  and presented
        as Deputy Grand Master but did not become Grand  the Lion's Paw Ring this way:
        Master until 1886. In the 1880s he moved his family      “The  happy  inspiration  that  induced  Past  Grand
        to  Helena  and  entered  into  a  law  partnership  with  Master Word on the expiration of his term of offi  ce, as
        Robert B. Smith (Brother Smith served as Governor  the M.W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, to present
        of Montana 1886-1901.)  It was Samuel Word, who  to his successor in offi  ce, a signet ring as an offi  cial seal
        as  retiring  Grand  Master  in  1887,  presented  to  his  to affi  x to documents issued by them, not requiring the
        successor a Signet Ring made from gold which he had  attest of the Grand Secretary, was not all sentiment I
        taken from Alder Gulch (Alder Gulch is where gold  am sure. To be entrusted with this symbolic emblem,
        was discovered on May 26, 1863).                       having engraved upon it the Lion’s Paw, should be a
                                                               constant  reminder  to  its  wearer  of  the  never-ending
          In 1887,  retiring Grand Master,  M. W.  Samuel Word  duties devolving upon him, in the execution of which
        presented to his successor a Signet Ring – designed  he  must  rely  on  the  Lion  of  the Tribe  of  Judah,  for
        for  the  use  of  the  Grand  Master  in  authenticating  guidance  and  direction.  To  be  chosen  Guardian  of
        his  correspondence  –  with  the  admonition  that  it  this Signet Ring, worn in succession by prior Grand
        should be presented in turn to his successors forever.  Masters  is  an  honor  to  be  revered,  and  an  incentive
        “Retiring  Grand  Master  Word,  presented  the  newly  to  preserve  it  untarnished.  Take  it  my  Brother,  and
        installed Grand Master, James W. Hathaway, with a  when the time shall come for you to present it to your
        signet  ring  of  solid  gold,  deeply  engraved  with  the  successor,  may  it  be  the  happy  refl ection,  and  self-
        signifi cant  emblem  of  a  Lion’s  Paw,  to  be  used  as  consciousness that you have performed your duties as
        the  Grand  Master’s  private  seal  during  his  term  in  Grand Master faithfully and true.”
        offi  ce, and sacredly transmitted to his successor and
        so on in endless succession while time and Masonry       Then in 1904, M. W. P. G. M. Hepner presented the
        endures.  The  hope  was  expressed  that  in  its  course  Grand Masters ring to Lew Callaway, saying:
        of  transmission to future generations it would never    "Seventeen  years  ago  one  of  your  illustrious
        fall to the possession of anyone who would not add  predecessors  created  a  marked  epoch  in  the  history
        dignity and worth to its intrinsic value until it became  of  our  Grand  Lodge.  Glittering  grains  were  taken
        the  precious  nucleus  of  a  halo  and  constellation  of  from Montana’s bosom and converted into a Masonic
        hallowed associations and memories.”                   emblem. He bequeathed it to his successor, not for its

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