Page 15 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 15

Figure 17. EA/FC Failure to Advance, 1997-2017
          Figure 17, above shows the EA and FC Failure to Advance numbers from 1976 through 2017. This chart is
        slightly diff erent from the prior charts which show trends for existing membership; while this graph represents
        those who for some reason failed to continue to advance and become a Master Mason and a member of his
        Lodge. Mostly the records on failure to advance have only really been kept since we transitioned over to
        ROLLS in 2008 and now with GrandView. The most signifi cant information here is that the trend of the
        number of failures to advance appears to be increasing while our membership is continuing to decrease.

                                             Now might be a good time!

                                    The summary for this article on continued on page 16.

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 15
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