Page 18 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 18

Another course correction - For a Lodge in a crisis    In writing the previous article one of the thoughts
        situation,  that  knows  it  will  have  to  Consolidate  or  that occurred to me, was many of the things that I had
        Surrender the Charter, don't put it off . You need the  observed  while  serving  as  a  DeMolay  Advisor.  So
        membership of the Lodge to conduct the business of  as  many others have done, I off er the following for
        the lodge in order to surrender or consolidate. Keep  consideration - as Masons, we can perhaps can take a
        in mind that while your fi rst thought might be to give  lesson from the Order of DeMolay.
        your  assets  to  the  community  where  the  Lodge  is
        located,  consider  this  if  the  community  cared  about   Read  through  the  following  lyrics  of  "I'm  Living
        your Lodge you would see more support and members  DeMolay" by Brother Howie Damron.
        from it.  We should not fear losing a Lodge building or
        a Lodge, the shame in losing a Lodge or a building is
        when not recognizing when it is time to do so. Strive to                I'm Living DeMolay
        conduct the process as a good steward and do so with
        honor and grace.                                                Since the days of old knights Templar
                                                                             Been taught the humble way
          Course correction - Civility, we need to demonstrate              To stand for truth and honesty
        civility in Lodge and Grand Lodge, with our family                  Like Grand Master DeMolay
        and  friends,  ever  remembering  that  we  are  a  sacred
        band,  or  society  of  Friends  and  Brothers,  among               We shine the light of honor
        whom no contention should ever exist, save that noble                  In a dark and misty land
        contention, or rather emulation, of who best can work                    And for each other
        and  best  agree.  George  Washington  wrote,  "Every               We will proudly take a stand
        action done in Company, ought to be with some sign
        of respect, to those that are present."                              I have lots of big ambitions
          There will be some who do not agree with this article,           That I’ll one day share with all
        and that's okay. But, understand that doing business as          I must heed the words from leaders
        usual is not the way.                                               Who have also heard the call

                                                                              Foundations for the future
                            O Ship of State                                 Are instilled within our minds
                                                                                 My dreams I’m sure
                   Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!                          One day I will fi nd
                  Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
                      Humanity with all its fears,                            Chivalry’s alive and well
                   With all the hopes of future years,                       And goodness still abounds
                   Is hanging breathless on thy fate!                      Where integrity and friendship
                  We know what Master laid thy keel,                            And loyalty is found
                What Workmen wrought thy ribs of steel,                      Where leaders of tomorrow
               Who made each mast, and sail, and rope,                       Teach the goodness of today
                 What anvils rang, what hammers beat,                     I’m proud to tell the whole world
                    In what a forge and what a heat                              I’m living DeMolay
                 Were shaped the anchors of thy hope!
                Fear not each sudden sound and shock,                       I will gladly share with others
                   ‘Tis of the wave and not the rock;                       What I’ve found in DeMolay
                    ‘Tis but the fl apping of the sail,                    For I’m sure that all it’s teaching
                    And not a rent made by the gale!                        Are needed in our world today
                   In spite of rock and tempest's roar,
                  In spite of false lights on the shore,                    It’s great to have a friendship
                   Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!                      And be part of such a cause
                Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee.              Humbly telling all the world we’re one
             Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,                   And one will stand for all
                  Our faith triumphant o'er our fears,
                  Are all with thee, -are all with thee!                Yes, I’m proud to tell the whole world
                                                                              That I’m living DeMolay
                                 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1850)

         Page 18                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                               January 2019
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