Page 12 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 12

Figure 11. Members who took a Non-Affi  liate Dimit 1866-2016.
          Chart 11, above shows there were relatively few requests for Non-Affi  liate dimits between 1866 and 1922.
        The notable increase in Non-Affi  liate Dimits start at about 1960 and peak at 84 in 1976 and starts to trail off .
        However, we may be starting to see more requests.

          There are some valid reasons why a member might want a Dimit: health issues, loss of friends in the Lodge,
        unable dive themselves or to drive at night, lack of disposable income, the memory is not what it was, and
        maybe they can't remember what to do during the opening or closing of Lodge, lack of convenient bathroom
        facilities, or perhaps their hearing presents a real obstacle for them.

         Figure 12. Members Suspended for Non Payment of Dues (SNPD) 1866-2016.
          Figure  12,  above  shows  our  membership  losses  through  Suspension  for  Non-Payment  of  Dues  (SNPD).
        In Montana, we hit our high mark between 1926 and 1936 with the high number of 688 members in1934.
        However, no doubt the Depression years which was the worst economic downturn in U.S. history, lasting from
        1929 to 1939 played a part in the number of SNPDs. There are many reasons a Mason may fail to pay their
        annual dues. Some causes might be because the member has lost interest, or the member may have moved to
        another area, fi nancial diffi  culties, or maybe lack of contact from his lodge. The number SNPD, however, did
        start to decline starting in about 1970 but again we must remember we also have fewer members.

          Many of us have attended conferences and have read numerous articles that claim Lodge Secretaries act fast
        in Suspending a member for Non-Payment of Dues. As Grand Secretary, I never encountered this in working
        with Lodge Secretaries here in Montana nor did I see any justifi cation for such a claim in the Annual Returns. I
        noted the opposite especially for SNPD; rather I found countless times where a Secretary would carry members
        and go out of their way to not suspend for Non Payment of Dues.
         Page 12                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                               January 2019
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