Page 9 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 9

Figure 5. Members Reinstated by year 1866-2016.

          Figure 5, above, shows the number of members reinstated. This contributes little to the increase of membership,
        averaged out it amounts to about 85 members per year for the jurisdiction.

          However, as you can see the number of reinstatements per year continues to decline. The continuing loss of
        members in Lodges causes fi scal problems for them and for the Grand Lodge the reduction of members cause
        both to either lose or cease to be fi nancially viable and, forcing more lodges to surrender their Charters or
        consolidate with another lodge.

         Figure 6. Members Affi  liating to a Montana Lodge by year 1866-2016.
          In Figure 6, above the number of affi  liations per year presents some interesting information. For some reason,
        the number of affi  liations were not tracked from 1866 through 1925. Starting in 1926 we see the number of
        affi  liations, and it looks good up until about 1960, and it too starts to go into a steady decline.

          The concordant bodies of Masonry are all faced with the same dilemma, and in many cases, they have had
        a more substantial loss of membership and negative fi nancial impact. Some have found it diffi  cult to keep
        solvent, which in turn puts an increased fi nancial burden upon that concordant body and upon the Lodges and
        Grand Lodge.
         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 9
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