Page 27 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 27

Teamwork Exercise
                                             Teamwork Exercise
                                               Ashlar Lodge #29
                                               Ashlar Lodge #29

                                               Pete Boothroyd, WM #29
                                               Pete Boothroyd, WM #29

          Ashlar Lodge #29 is a fi rm believer in teamwork amongst its offi  cers. To reinforce that belief, nine offi  cers
         and one potential offi  cer from Ashlar recently spent an hour in a local Escape Room game.

          For those unfamiliar with the Escape Room concept, it is a game in which players are locked into either a
         one or two room complex and have one hour in which to solve numerous puzzles, one leading to the  next,
         culminating  in  either  fi nding  a  door  key,  or  a  door  lock  code  to  escape  from  the  complex.  Should  it  be
         necessary, groups can ask for up to three clues to assist in their endeavors.

          Teamwork  is  essential  in  the  game,  and  an  Escape  Room  experience  is  an  excellent  way  of  fostering
         cooperation, fellowship and esprit de corps amongst the players, in this case, Ashlar Lodge Offi  cers.

          Success in this particular Escape Room game is only at 20% of all groups who have attempted the escape.
         Ashlar Lodge Offi  cers completed the task and escaped with 19 seconds to spare. Only two clues were utilized.

                Left to right:
                Brother  Kalman  Tinka,  JS.  (Kneeling)  Brother  Gerald  Giebink  (Marshall)  Brother  John
                Hugdahl  (SS).  (At  rear)  Brother Arnie  Frovarp  (SD).  Worshipful  Master  Pete  Boothroyd.
                (Kneeling) Brother Robert Pare (JD). (At rear) Brother David Curtis (JW). Worshipful Brother
                Adam Johnson (Tyler). Brother Sean McDuff y (SW). Brother Bailee Velasquez)

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 27
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